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Howard Winwood
3/14/2006 8:10:13 AM
Very good site but, at the moment I can only work one. I know I would get offers so I didn't finish the process.
Lorene W
Howard Winwood
3/20/2006 4:44:26 PM
I have been trying to get my business off the ground since January and he is the first person to offer help without a big price tag.
Bessie McCardle
Howard Winwood
4/11/2006 8:18:12 AM
I tried to check your URL but does not shou up. Please tell me houw to advertise to those companies.
Hector Colon
Howard Winwood
5/26/2006 10:51:40 AM
great very good advertise community all the best to your community. U.S. PATENT WINDOW WASHING SYSTEM U.S.6,986,186 New opportunity for investors. Patent U.S.6,986,186 window washing system . Wash automaticaly all the windows just by pressing one bottom. For more detail go on our website Cordialy Stephane Dube 1-819-327-3673
Howard Winwood
6/11/2006 8:54:22 PM
excellent howard, the main idea helping others to get ahead in their business. Very honourable, and so interesting. Keep up the good work.

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