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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Howard Winwood
6/21/2005 3:21:28 PM
hello great site,keep advertising,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Howard Winwood
6/21/2005 3:21:28 PM
Thanks Kathy, I appreciate it, Dave Young has told me great things about you as well. Look forward to taling some day. Howard
Howard Winwood 724-926-2122(EST) Executive National Trainer
Dave Young

151 Posts
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Howard Winwood
7/13/2005 9:12:09 PM
Fantastic job sir, keep up the good duties. Talk with you soon
Howard Winwood
11/5/2005 4:16:36 PM
Greetings Howard Winwood, Gary and Janice Hawkins just finished looking at your websites and we found them informative as well as professional so we rated them a 10 out of 10. We would like to welcome you to the Adland community also. If we can ever be of any assistance please let us know okay? We wish you good health and much success in all you choose to do and Smaller Fuel Bills! respectfully, your new friends in Idaho, USA.
Howard Winwood
11/8/2005 12:10:21 PM
Thanks for reviewing my site. I'm already in Direct matches which I've recienlty plugged at [url][/URL] feel free to post a plug to another free advert venture there. Actually you have to post a few other places before you can post in the plug section of money-talk but it is a site that has good traffic. Often 1K plus people visiting. Back to directmatches. I have 703 on my left side. Now I just need to have a right side.
Lotto MagicZ4941A PS I joined to promote LM and my upline gave me 700+ signups

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