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Monday Review: Kathy's Corner ; Affiliate Marketing Tips
12/12/2005 8:46:16 PM
Hi! It's Monday review time! Here's Kathy's request... for anyone reading along, if you're trying to make money with affiliate programs, you might find this helpful. ======================================== My idea was to build a website that shared with others all the experience and knowledge that we had accumulated over our many years in business and the last couple years online. The idea was to show that any hobby or interest you had could be developed into a business or niche business. Also, just to have fun. Now this website needs to be changed into several different websites as it is too hard to navigate the way I have it now. Also, need to rebuild it from scratch and get away from the Tripod Service. I hate having their ads and pop-ups all over the place. The website is ======================================== Hi Kathy; So far, I think the person that I was hardest on was Johnny. I've also seen what Johnny did after the review, and he's come a long, long way - and is starting to make profit. This will probably be the second toughest review. Not tough as in hard on you - but in that I see a lot of things you can change to make your website work better. When I visited your site, I saw a lot of common mistakes that a LOT of people make. I hope that people reading along will read this and have a hard look at their sites, too. From chatting with you on the forum (and in PM) I like who you are, and would love to see your site working. So, with that said, here goes. 1) You're right about the Tripod site. When visitors see a Tripod or other free site, that's the first indication that this is not a serious business site. It tells them that you don't want to spend $10-$20 per month for hosting. That will jade people's view from the word go. 2) Do you need separate sites? There are pros and cons to separating the site by content. The pro, of course, is that you have smaller sites to work on, and don't have to figure out how to create navigation. The downside is that you'll have several sites to promote. If you're struggling with "how" to promote in the first place, you'll just be multiplying your agony. The easiest way to create navigation is to use both top and left navigation. The top navigation would contain general navigation elements such as Home, About, Contact - as well as the category links like Photography, Travel, etc. When a visitor clics on "photography" the top navigation remains the same, but "left" navigation also appears, linking to pages within the photography area. 3) Google Ads and Amazon Ads Having Google ads and amazon ads at the top and bottom of your main page is a dead giveaway that your site isn't producing the income you'd like. If it was, you would not risk losing a visitor right on the main page when you've worked to get them to your site in the first place. If your site does use advertising, it should only be on secondary pages, such as articles, product reviews, etc. In particular, you don't want external ads on your main page, contact page or about pages. Here's why. -- On the main page, they have not had enough time to see what you're about. If they leave because of an interesting paid ad, you'll never see them again. -- On the contact page, you don't want someone who *was* ready to contact you about what you do leaving because of a great ad. t's not worth the few cents you might get for the click. -- On the about page, you don't want people making the subconscious determination that an ad was more interesting than whatever they were reading about you or your site. Once they do, they won't be back. 4) Resources Page The top five BIGGEST mistakes that I see people making when trying to resell affiliate goods are; i) Trying to sell with an affiliate link or banner, but no presell content. ii) A whole bunch of banners on one page. iii) Selling "how to make money online" programs when it's obvious *they* are not making money online. iv) Selling things that they really don't know enough about to sell. v) Admitting they are "learning" instead of speaking from knowledge and experience. I saw all of those mistakes on your site, so I'd like to specify and suggest ways to fix/correct them. i) Your resources page has 5 affiliate links and 7 banners. There is no presell content for any of them. Instead of being a link to the selling site, your links should go to product reviews or a presell page on your own site. ii) As above, there are several affiliate banners on your resources page. Seeing several at a time is a sure mark of someone new to marketing online. Text will outsell a banner almost any day of the week - but if you DO want to use banners, install a banner rotation script so that people see one banner at a time at the bottom of your page. That way, at least the site doesn't look like it's desperately trying to sell something, anything.. you know? iii) This is probably the biggest mistake of all - and the MOST COMMON. Almost everyone new to "internet marketing" wants to promote "how to make money" programs when they, themselves, are not yet making any money. For example, on your resources page, you have a link to Push Button Income. Their very first page talks about six figure income, and people making thousands a month. There's the touching story about the man who had a baby on the way and no money - and the program *saved* him and now he's making money. Thing is -- if it works, why not just use it and make a six figure income? If it doesn't work, why advertise it? iv) Many people also sell things they "heard" are good, or that a lot of other people sell. For example, you also promote SiteSell. Lots of people do. I bet most people that promote it don't realize how archaic and limiting it is. I say this from experience. I worked with one client that had SiteSell and ended up telling her to get a real host or I can't work with her. There is NO cgi bin, so any interactive scripts are not an option. There are no POP email addresses assigned, just a catchall - so anyone using SiteSell is a direct target for dictionary spammers. (If anyone wants a definition of dictionary spammers, just ask...) Several years ago, maybe SiteSell was an option. Today? Today it's like sending someone into a gun fight with a rock as your weapon. That's just MY opinion, of course, but it's based on having been INSIDE their system and trying to use it. v) Last (on the list) but not least, on the very main page you say "Most of our frustrations with the Internet is wanting to do something or find something and not knowing where to start. ... This is a list of some of the topics we will explore as we go along. " I think that perhaps you might be leaving the impression that you're still learning, and inviting people to follow along. So many people have tried so many things with NO result, that I think more and more people are looking for assurance before they follow advice. Summary; I don't think there is anything wrong with multiple topics on a site as long as the navigation is clear. If you use the guideline at the top of this review, it should help. Other than that, the best advice I can give you is to ONLY recommend a product if that product has put money in your bank account, saved you time, or solved a problem for you. Tried and tested and passed with flying colors. I have a rule of thumb that I use for myself. I have a daughter who is a college student and does not live at home. Like most college students that don't live at home, she's often short on cash, and fiercely independant. She wants to prove she can 'make it' as an adult. If I wouldn't tell her to buy something - I wouldn't tell ANYONE to. For example, I've told her that if she's going to get email from her website, get Eudora. Every virus out there is written for Outlook and why make herself a target because Outlook "came on the computer." When you find something that you really and truly WOULD recommend - write a page about it. Tell people WHY you recommend it. Include your experience. That gives it merit and validity. You've done that a bit on your genealogy page with the family histories for you and Jim, but I think you could take it farther. Make more of a story. For example, imagine reading this. Sample; Mom used to tell me we had Cherokee blood in our family lines. I remember listening to Cher's records in the seventies and feeling a twinge of pride. What I didn't know is that my family has Cherokee blood on both sides of the family. I found that out at - and I found relatives I didn't even know about... (etc...) Write a story. Share the way you felt when you traced your family. Show some photos - as you do. And every time you use the phrase, make it your affiliate link. At the bottom of your story, use the questions you have (but without the word "Question:") Instead of saying "my" - speak to the visitor. Like this... What was life like for your grandpa? What was your great grandmother like? Do you even know? Could you have cousins that you don't even know about? If you've ever had any interest in your family history, I recommend a visit to - you can even try it for two whole weeks, absolutely free. I think you'll find it will probably get better response than a banner. Talk to people. Really and truly from the heart. And one last idea.... that's a great photo of you and Jim. Instead of putting the photo where it is, I think it would look really great if you created a page header that has your photo at the top and your website name alongside of it. You both look friendly and down to earth -- do use your photo, not as content, but as the masthead to your site. Sorry that was so long... but hope you can use some of the bits here to improve the results you're getting. If you have any questions, feel welcome to ask! : ) Linda P.S. For anyone reading along, your thoughts and questions are welcome, too.
Re: Monday Review: Kathy's Corner ; Affiliate Marketing Tips
12/13/2005 6:27:51 AM
Linda is right about the hosting services these days. I have used one for my Bloom's Nursery site 6 years now. Lots of space and everything I need all for less than $6.00 a month. Never had a problem. I am listening also to all Linda's other comments for when I start working on that site again. I know I have a few of those same problems on it. Martha
Kathy Clark

172 Posts
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Re: Monday Review: Kathy's Corner ; Affiliate Marketing Tips
12/13/2005 9:20:27 PM
Linda, Thank you so much for doing the critique of my website. I really appreciate your help here. It will take me a little time to wade through all these comments and great suggestions. My biggest challenge is figuring out the how-to. First of all, When I first started building the website, I knew nothing about building a website. It was fun to use their templates and easy instructions. Now, I do want to rebuild it from scratch, but it will take some time to finish. I did purchase my own domain name and pay for a hosting service. They redirect it to this Tripod website. All the ads at the top and bottom are Tripod's ads not mine. There are many of your suggestions I can and will get started on right away. So stand by while I go to work. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Kathy Clark

172 Posts
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Re: Monday Review: Kathy's Corner ; Affiliate Marketing Tips
12/13/2005 9:22:56 PM
Martha, I agree with you. I listen to all Linda's comments to you and the others she has critiqued. I will get rid of Tripod very soon.
Re: Monday Review: Kathy's Corner ; Affiliate Marketing Tips
12/13/2005 10:34:35 PM
Hi Kathy You are very, very welcome. If I can be a small part of helping you make your site work, I'd be very proud. WOW - Tripod sure does add a LOT of ads. Double wow. As an idea - if you're paying for a website hosting package anyway, why not ask them how you can upload right to their hosting server instead of redirecting to Tripod? I do know it will take some time to finish -- boy, do I ever know. lol. I still remember my very first website that I build in about 1995. When I was finally done, I realized my page didn't look the same in both IE and Netscape. There was only one of each back then. I had to figure out why. Today I check my design in about 5 browsers, two platforms and 3 screen resolutions. Sheesh! I remember it all like it was yesterday, and I've saved copies of each of my "old" sites as I created new ones. It's a fun walk down memory lane to look at them. Save a copy of yours, too, if you can. You'll chuckle at it one day as you look back. : ) Linda