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Walter Thomas Jr

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Rose Smith
11/24/2005 7:49:18 AM
What a great Idea; I will learn more about your program!! Hi, My name is Walter Thomas, and I am a NOTE Broker. This Email is in order to ask you if you have a NOTE or Cash Flow for sale. `If you do, I will `POST` your NOTE on our NOTE Website as a NOTE for Sale! Our WebSite is: You will be contacted by our Investor to buy or Negotiate the sale of your NOTES or CASH FLOW after it is posted on our Website. Current Notes and CASH FLOWS will be POSTED Daily. This OFFER is FOR "INVESTORS," " BROKERS," and "SELLERS." Below, I need for you to fill_in all the information you can about your NOTE or Cash Flow that you have for sale! This information will help the NOTE or CASH flow SELL faster. PS: A discounted NOTE or Cash Flow will sell quicker than any other type of sells. PPS:The information below is to Promote, Sell, and Produce a Win/Win for all. all rights reserved­®­2004/5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Type of Property:______________________________. Property Value:________________________________. Sales Date:____________________________________. Sales Price:___________________________________. Down Payment:__________________________________. State:____________. City Location:_________________________________. Face Value of Note For Sale:___________________. Note Balance:__________________________________. Interest:_________. Payment Amount:________________________________. Payments Made:_________________________________. When 1st Payment Made:_________________________. # of Payments Made:____________________________. Payments Remaining:____________________________. Next Payment Due Date:_________________________. Loan to Value:_________________________________. Current or Delinquent: Current or _____________. Balloon Payment: Yes___________________________. How Much Balloon Payment:______________________. When Balloon Payment Due:______________________. Position of Note: 1st or ______________________. 1st - Remaining Balance:_______________________. 2nd - Remaining Balance:_______________________. Contact Person: name or _______________________. Principal/Broker:or ___________________________. Contact Phone:_________________________________. Contact Email:_________________________________. Comments:history_________________________________________________________ __. _________________________________________________________________________ __. _________________________________________________________________________ __. TYPE OF NOTES AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE We will SELL and Promote for YOU! |Boat Papers |Business Notes |Inheritance |Investment Opportunities| Airplanes|Lotteries|Mobil Homes|Real Estate Notes|Structured Settlement| Viaticals|Real Estate Joint Ventures|Accounts receivable|and many other. CONTACT INFORMATION; Phone/Fax=404-892-1528 [day or nights.] Walter Thomas/dba, Real Family Estates. 541 ethel st nw #3 Atlanta, Ga 30318 EmailTo:
Linda Harvey

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Rose Smith
12/7/2005 11:55:53 PM
Hello, good information on you !!! In answer to your question. I do give people my wholesale price to try the jerky. It comes in many flavors of buffalo, beef, turkey jerky. If you know what kind you want and flavor. I can order for you. You can use Pay Pal to pay for, or a credit card. If you trust me to pay for it and me have it shipped directly to you, I have done this for several friends and church members. You can get 1/2 pound ( 2- 4 packs) for $7.60 and the shipping is free anywhere in USA. And a case of 24 - 4 oz packs = $ 3.42 each or $82.10 Per Case - Variety Packs available or in one flavor. I hope that was what you wanted to know. We can three way call the 800 # to order, or I can put it in over the computer. Let me know how you want to do this. And my phone # 505-872-0426. I work tomorrow, but should be home by 6 pm Mountain time (Albuquerque, NM) Just let me know. It usually takes about 5 business days to get it to you. And yes it will make wonderful stocking stuffers or presents. I eat more than my share, as my son and I buy a case a month for personal eating and sharing, using as samples. Thank you for your time and consideration, Linda PS I love your smile and bright eyes !!!
Rose Smith

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Rose Smith
12/7/2005 11:55:53 PM
Geepers! A 10! You're much too kind! Rose
Dave Cottrell

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Rose Smith
12/13/2005 11:51:21 PM
Rose's smiling face and thoughtful comments regularly brighten my day! May God richly bless you, Rose! Dave