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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/11/2005 2:52:07 AM
Hi there Marsha, Good to see you here. Thanks for dropping by & posting. You're right..."Jesus is the reason for the season", & I just wanted to share some fun & celebration leading up to the special day that we celebrate. Since you collect snow globes - I bet that the 10 minute wait was well worth it!! LOL I will be posting a new thread every few days about celebrating. This is a blessed time of year, yet so many people get depressed around this time. To me, I want to focus on the LORD & celebration this year. Be looking for my new thread that I will post very soon!!! My heart is singing with joy, because of HIM. Peace & blessings to you & yours, :-) Cheryl P.S. I would love to see all those lights that Fredie is hanging. Did you guys get ice this week? We sure did in the Fort Worth area. For a couple of days it was pretty treacherous, but has cleared off now. It was beautiful & much warmer today. "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/11/2005 3:00:02 AM
Hey there Deborah, Great to see you come by & post. I'm glad that you enjoyed the kids inside the globe. I thought it was great. You are always supportive of my posts & I appreciate you. Have a wonderful Christmas! :-) Take care my friend, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/11/2005 12:37:58 PM
Thank you Cheryl for this. I enjoied very much everything around there. I'm considering to "still" your globe :-D
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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/11/2005 12:40:04 PM
Hi Cheryl that's great wish I had something like that when my kids were growing up lol keep them coming
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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/11/2005 12:49:39 PM
Hi Cheryl, That was very cute,it reminded me of when it snowed here afew weeks ago,my daughters just loved it,they took the snow off the cars and started throwing it at each other,It was great to see them having so much fun with the snow,Kathy martin
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