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And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/9/2005 10:39:55 PM
Hi Friends, One of my friends sent me this today, & I thought it was a great visual of 'wintry' Christmas time fun. :-) ENJOY, & Merry Christmas to all my Friends! I truly hope and pray that you will have a happy holiday season as you celebrate with your loved ones. May God richly Bless You & Yours, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/9/2005 11:29:42 PM
Hi Cheryl, That's just great! Where can I get one for my kids? U Know, a full size one for when they get on our nerves. LOL ;-) JUST KIDDING EVERYONE ***** HAPPY HOLIDAYS *****
Flag of Arthur Gabriele

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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/9/2005 11:59:32 PM
Hi Cheryl And a Merry Chistmas to you I really injoyed the snow globe. I shook them up alittle and now they are rebuilding the snow man. lol
Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/10/2005 1:24:50 AM
Hey there Curtis, Didn't that seem typical for kids? Wasn't that fun?!!! We had some rather "wintry" weather right here in Texas over the past couple of days. Ice & freezing rain & temps into the teens at night. In a couple of days it'll probably 70 or so. That's Texas for ya. You never know what it'll be...but I remember that last year on Christmas Eve we actually had a little bit of snow fall, but I think most of it was gone by Christmas Day. I liked it...but only for a day or two is enough for me. Have a great weekend. I will be posting more Christmas stuff right up till Christmas Day. This is a great time of year for me to reflect on Christmas, it's meaning, & also to have a little fun. Take care, :-) Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: And a Merry Christmas To You!!!
12/10/2005 1:34:18 AM
Hi Arthur, Yes, I enjoyed shaking them up too! :-) Thanks for taking the time to come & post. I thought the snow globe was fun & I especially liked the screams and yelling. Kids are so real. Have a nice weekend, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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