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Re: The HOW of Detoxing Simply
12/14/2005 11:17:04 PM
Hi Pam, Let us know how it works for you :-)
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: The HOW of Detoxing Simply
1/9/2006 8:35:30 PM
Hi David, When I worked in Nutrition we would detox at least once a year. Then I went into the teaching field and didn't detox for 9 years. Add to that, the sweets families bring you, and lunch room food... In addition to that I started fighting Chronic Bronchitis brought on by pnemonia and years of sinus infections etc. Needless to say antibotics no longer worked. I realized one thing led to another and you know how easy all that junk can build-up in your system. I began a major detoxification the day school was out for Christmas break: I am using the organic (with the mother) ACV cocktails before each meal, along with eating whole foods, and not eating refined sugars or flours etc. Already I am getting back to the healthy lifestyle I once loved so much, and I am not leaving it again as I am feeling better each day. Thanks for starting the thread, TW
Re: The HOW of Detoxing Simply
1/11/2006 9:05:05 AM
Hi TW, You are welcome :-) Thanks for letting us know about your experience with ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) Happy Healing! David
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: The HOW of Detoxing Simply
1/11/2006 8:44:34 PM
Great ideas, I had forgotten the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Never tried it on my hair though. Cheers! Julie
Re: The HOW of Detoxing Simply
1/17/2006 4:02:55 PM
Hi Julie, Nice to see you here. When healing starts working and you had a hand in it, wahooo! It gets fun :-) David
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress

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