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Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:36:28 PM
Hi Adrew, Don't forget to pass it on yourself to everyone you know. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:43:52 PM
Hi Anthony. My computer crashed yesterday. Maybe it was this, I don't know. They said I had 17 viruses. This is the second time my computer has crashed in about one month. They said they have given me anti virus which is top of the line. What can I do to really protect my computer? Thanks so much.
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Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:56:48 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you very much for your detailed info about these threads. The only two explanation I find for this kind of "inovations" are: -- Let's have some fun and show the world how smart we are; -- Let's create the necesity and than will suply the "pill" Anyway for me all these kind of actions are the same with terrorism. Luck we, no one dies. (so far!)
Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:58:47 PM
Luella, I'm so sorry my friend. Well, the best thing you can do, is keep up with my forums... No, the best thing is to set your email acceptance settings as high as possible, then set your email keyword settings for any type of email you do not want to receive ie; porn, sex, pharmecuticals, hate, etc. Also change your settings so that your un-wanted emails are deleted instantly, not saved in your spam box, set it so that all emails with click able hyper links are quarantined. The list goes on, but just be careful, never open any email from people you do not know. Never, download attachments from people you don't know,& be very wary about attachments from people you do know, as their computers may have been hi-jacked by hackers. Keep your virus protection updated daily. Not all virus protection programs update automatically. Do Adaware checks, Malaware checks & Spyware checks daily. Run system scans & defrags, save daily to hard disk, & be careful with your system re-set, as if you had a virus, & thought you got rid of it, when you re-boot, your system will have saved it & re-introduce it again. There is a lot more things, but that will be enough for you to do daily Luella. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 5:02:08 PM
Anamaria, You make a very good point there! Whichever way it is, it's about time Mr Gates, put some of the billions of dollars he has made, to good use by protecting all the users of his products from these attacks. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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