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Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:10:42 PM
Hello again everyone. Well, if it is not bad enough that there is all these virus/trojan emails circulating, they are now trying to attack you with Instant messages,& Ecards. Here is a High Danger warning from an IT company I deal with. Subject: URGENT: Instant Messenger Security Threat Importance: High A new type of virus has been detected that is the first of its kind. The virus uses AOL Instant Messenger and attempts to dupe a user into downloading a file. The virus arrives in an instant message that states: "lol thats cool" and includes a URL to a file "clarissa17.pif". When unsuspecting users respond, the virus replies: "lol no its not its a virus". The malicious file disables security software, alters system files and then starts sending itself to contacts on the victim's buddy list. A second known virus arrives with the instant message: "The user has sent you a Greeting Card, to open it visit:" followed by a link. Upon selecting the link, a malicious file is automatically downloaded to the PC. Under no circumstances should Instant Messenger users click on web URL’s or download files. Our virus detection software will be updated to manage this threat soon as possible. Please exercise caution using all types of Instant Messenger and respond only to known senders. If you have any questions regarding topic please contact your Field Technician or the Help Desk. This warning came from a very large corparations IT Virus protection center. I have a friend there who pass's on any warnings to me, that they send out to their offices World-Wide. So be on the look-out for any I M's you receive, specially if your children use your computer a lot, warn them not to open anything that looks in anyway suspicous. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
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Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:15:13 PM
Thanks Anthony people are back into circulation trying to ruin everything I see-wonder how long it will go on this time thanks for the warning
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:15:51 PM
Thank you for the warning, Anthony. Will keep my eyes open. Blanka
Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:23:45 PM
HI Anthony, Thanks again for yet another WARNING I an on AOL, I have a scam warning but I will send that through personals, to see what you think. Christine
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Re: Warning. Dangerous Instant Message Virus.
12/7/2005 4:30:05 PM
Thank You Anthony!! This is a new one on Me. Why any one would want to wreck someone elses expensive computers I will never know.

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