Hello my friends, Dennis this is in reply to your statement,You only get what you pay for,
Let me go out on a limb for a moment.As a business woman who takes network marketing very serious Let me say to you all and our newbie friends,This is all about really getting exposure, getting familiar with what is out there,getting your name and business recognized over and over again.Any where there is a free spot to put your link put it there,you want repetion. You want your name and business known to all,when people see my ads or my name they know I do Direct Matches. You want to always expose your self,IT does not matter if its free or not you just want to put your business adds any where you can.
Then later if you choose to upgrad go for it,but first you need to get yourself exposed. Thats my lesson for the noght,Thank you every body for doing such a great job,Much love to everyone, Kathy Martin