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Re: Tall Trees
11/25/2005 1:49:21 PM
All I can say is "That one was wonderful" Cracked me up without the use of any swears. Keep up the good work Craftie! Mr Ed
Edwin F Williams Jr
Lola Vanslette

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Re: Tall Trees
11/25/2005 2:22:44 PM
Linda, That was so funny I had to pass it on...hope you don't mind! Lola V
Re: Tall Trees
11/25/2005 3:51:45 PM
Hi Craftie, Thanks for the invite to this forum. Nothing better than putting a smile on everyones faces, lol. Take care, Donna :)
Re: Tall Trees
11/25/2005 4:30:44 PM
Cute! Katherine
Kate McCrea Black Cat Originals Will Bring Your Fashion Vision To Life!
Re: Tall Trees
11/25/2005 9:28:05 PM
Craftie, I don't know where you get these jokes, but you always come up with the most funniest stuff I have ever read ... I have had to make a new folder in my AdlandPro files for your jokes. Do you realize that you have a potential gold mine with this stuff?? Craftie, you need to publish a joke book. Does anybody else here agree with me? H*ll, Craftie, I'd bet it would be a best seller!! But I was wondering one thing; can you tell them as good as you write them? At any rate, I would enjoy being your next door neighbor!

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