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5/7/2006 12:21:48 AM
Hello Wosat member, We had a Board Meeting today and I dicussed with Dr David regarding New and Excisting members, troubles with Login to either the "Wings Forum or "Wings Website". Dr David clearly Stated, the members have Not followed Instructions, Please check and see if you have followed Correctly from the Information I have entered below! All members have been Verified regards there Non-Disclosure Documents! If you have carried out these's procedures Below correctly, you will have Access! "Thankyou" for your Time and Patients, lets all get the Ball Rolling for you Now! "IMPORTANT INFORMATION BELOW, PLEASE READ AND APPLY CORRECTLY OTHERWISE ACCESS WILL BE DENIED!" Please be aware that Registration alone will not allow you to Login. Your Privacy has been finalized. It will be necessary to sign up at BOTH links below otherwise access will be restricted to the adland forums. Please also be aware that there are TWO registrations that you need to do. ONE is for the website "Wings of Success" which creates your business account with us as well as taking you through the process of signing the Non Disclosure Agreement. TWO is for the the Forum, which creates your Forum Profile. This is separately registered from the site, because as clever as we have become over recent months, we havent' yet figured out a way of integrating the two. If you are sure you have registered for both, then please be patient with us while we put our routine together and we assure you your patience will be rewarded amply. "Holly Goodyer" myself and Wosat Team members will look forward to welcoming you officially into the business real soon. For certification of membership please go to : This part below is "Important" and you must understand the first time! You should use your "Right" first and last name and remember it is case sensitive for both the user name and password. No spaces permitted here in user name you may use _ underscore {No Alias, only your Correct first and last name} The Wings Forum below, is Not case sensitive, you MUST still use your "Right" Correct first and last name only, a space is permitted in your user name. For Forum Access and to be placed in one of the four divisions please go to: Upon arriving the registration button is in the upper right hand corner. Please feel free to contact Me or "Holly Goodyer" for anything my friend, we will be more than happy to Help! Ashley : Holly : Fly Your Business to a Higher Level Come Soar on "Wings of Success"! Warm regards, Ashley Elias Executive Director Team Services
5/7/2006 2:20:35 PM
Dr.David resalut I am embarassé a little because I am not able to be sure if I am registered or no.I do not know in which team I am.I renew """ I AM IN"" Is Dr.David, what I to have my confirmation of inscriprion?? Bonsoir Dr.David je suis un peu embarassé car je n'arrive pas être sûr si je suis inscrit ou pas.Je ne sais pas dans quelle équipe je renouvelle ma volonté d'être parmi vous. Dr.David , est ce que je avoir ma confirmation d'inscriprion ?? Salutations Mr.B.Midoun
5/8/2006 9:18:50 PM
Hello there Belkacem, Thats quiet alright my friend, we all get lost now and then, I see you have recieved my "Welcome" email a few days ago, and you have just got a little lost along the way! Please follow me Dear Sir and Introduce yourself in the forum Below: This Link Below will be your "Home" just for the Time being, Ok my friend! First Stage Recruiting New Members of Wings of Success Belkacem, I will also send this post to your Adland Email Box. God Bless! Warm regards, Ashley Elias Exec Director Team Services
5/10/2006 6:47:05 AM
Hi there Wosat Team, Its all Systems Go or better still we have a "General members" Conference Meeting, it would be very apreciative and beneficial if you could Attend! We also want to make sure you have the conference software to attend meetings and you will find it at this link : General Conference meeting, on "Wednesday" nights at 8.00pm EST Time {Weekly} Please save to Desk top or File. The software will download to your machine when it says save or run. HIT RUN both times it will then bring up a window . Please enter Your right First Name and Last Name and your position. You will be a "Wings General member" just put WINGS behind your name. Wosat Team, will be looking forward to Greeting you! God Bless! Fly Your Business to a Higher Level Come Soar on "Wings of Success"! Warm regards, Ashley Elias Excecutive Director Team Services
5/10/2006 2:05:41 PM
Bonjour et Hello AShley, Luella, John and all !! I thank you for your assistance and I answer you finally. You must also know that I manage in written English but sometimes I must sweat to leave myself from the hole. By the way, I can have the translation in French of the certificat/contrat of enregistrement.Because. I did not sign yet and sent the contract with WOSAT: You understand that I want to include/understand it well. Here my information Full name: Belkacem Midoun Pays : Algerie Contact : Mobil : + 213 50 280573 Bp 197 Nedroma 13600 Algérie My Intérêt: I am teaching of French and, as Internet does not leave anybody indifferent I engaged and I am informed enough on what occurs. My first email I had it in June 1999 and my first site at Lycos, with a field shared in 2000. I seek myself and I will want to help and allow the companies to succeed in the field of marketing. The field of marketing and the communication are very varied and the crenel of the calls centre tries me too. Lastly, trafic and promotion one and off line. Who Invited you : Ashley Elias. My business : Alittle about oneself: Isn't it as aberrant as frustrating to see you one evening, than you missed your vocation and than you would be likely to reproduce same the errors with your children? There is only to see the massive passion, on only mobile telephony to adapt some, resigned, vis-a-vis with discovered most extraordinary of the century: the communication of mass. The world changed and all the world economy is upset. Then so today, all companies modify their approaches, their methods of management and their ways of making business, it is that they know pertinently that they will not resist the requirements of the world market. Strategic alliances, the networks constitute for them the alternative and the powerful lever to ensure their competitiveness vitally... Their survival! In bulk, here what passes to me to the spirit, and they are only quotations of known characters whom I will want to share: Picasso wrote: "All the pictorial documents of all the periods are false. All the images which we have of the life and nature, it is with paintings that we owe them. Only that should make them suspect. " But most overwhelming and distressing declarations it is that of the director of TF1: "So that an advertisement is perceived, it is necessary that the brain of the televiewer is available. Our emissions have the role to make it available: i.e. to divert it, to slacken it to prepare it between two messages. What we sell in Coca Cola, it is time of human brain available." Teacher of my state, I know that I am more profitable in the trade only I exert since nearly thirty years. If the French still remains, for us, these spoils of war impossible to circumvent for our development, the translation become the only language of unified Europe. But for what are spoils used which lose its value more and more? Is not it vital and urgent to prospect it in order to stick other missions of survival to him, when it is known that more than 80% of the world trade of any kind are done in the language of Shakespeare. If in other skies, the theorems of Pythagore and consorts do not have any more right to quote in the classes: They are impeccably and advantageously shown in thousands of Internet sites; the matters of the economy and management gain their obvious entries in the primary schools. Lastly, when we operate in a situation in fast and constant change, it is vital to anticipate, if not to remain behind is to burst!!! To form me to undertake and earn my living differently is my current objective. It is what I do since I have engaged in the Web for already 7 years... Salutations Mr.B.Midoun

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