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Mike King

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1/22/2006 1:28:03 PM
Hi Dr. Bob, Before making allegations I would suggest that you have all of your facts straight and I will be happy to fill you in if you wish. There is a reason why good people refuse to partake in companies that they no longer agree with. It is called holding your moral ground. If you had been at last nights meeting you would certainly have a clearer picture of what has been going on here. I ask you one thing as a company that is owned by the members who have agreed to dedicate long hours of hard work to the companies success why were they not given the right to vote for the officers of their own company. Things within WOSAT are being decided outside of WOSAT before they even transpire and although some people might think differently the fact is that ii Dr. King is as religious as a man as he claims which I have no reason to doubt he will not be able to refute these facts. It was a foregone conclusion from day one that Rick Martin would be the Exec. VP of this company and it was made to happen. I would have continued to follow this gentleman blindly due to my admiration until last night I saw this with my own two eyes. Plus not to mention that he has been rude and obnoxious to many members most especially the Europeans whom he has apologised to but how much is an apology really worth when it is made only to keep the peace. He has yet to answer their concerns on the taxation issues which they have a right to have an answer to. And now on top of everything else he wants to control who gets what positions and if you dont like it as I was told and as were others you can get out or put up or he being the all powerful owner of WOSAT will simply delete the whole works. Well guys are you going to simply sit back and let him ram rod you by having his followers mislead you. I have been a follower for way too long now and seen too much may the rest of you hopefully realize the truth before it is too late. Your Friend, Mike. PS. Dr. King if you wish to refute this and proove me wrong please feel free to do so, but ask yourself first wwjd and if he would tell the truth isnt it about time you did to.
Mike King Social Networking Success Coach.
Adam Brown

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1/22/2006 1:33:24 PM
The above post just confirms my feelings about influencial members of the Wosat adventure, and justifies why i can no longer be involved. I refute your accusations and find them nothing but lies and bordering on the verge of libel and i am sure will only cause more damage to Wosat. Larry thank you for your offer of continued friendship, my hand is open for you.
dont get left behind become part of the future today
Jo Matthias

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1/22/2006 2:10:21 PM
Hello Mike, I was at last nights meeting. We still have to take a vote from the entire membership in order for the Nominations and the votes to stand....RROR>>>>Roberts Rules of Order.....There are no forgone conclusions. We still have to vote, as a group. There are no positions that have been FILLED because of the votes last night. I honestly do not understand where you are coming from, especially after our correspondence. Take care, Jo
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
1/22/2006 2:39:25 PM
I will address all of these issues Unlike yourself Mr Mike King Or You Mr Adam Brown in live conference with hopefully your presence. I will be in the conference room for the next 4 hours for any member that wants to arrive and there I will speak not write allowing all to hear my reply. For both of you I hoped I could avoid this however if this is your attempt to think I am drawn out by either of you meet me in the conference room and we will let the facts and truth stand for their self. You see I have nothing to hide nor have I told anything but the truth and had the highest integrity throughout. I would consider it a privilege to address this. Warmest Regards Dr King
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
Dawn Smith

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1/22/2006 3:54:08 PM
Im sorry i shall be leaving too. I think the way things are going in this forums it looks like were about to burst at the seams anyway. i dont have time to be running around forums getting passed arguments to reach the main reasons for this forum. Im out Dawn

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