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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/20/2005 9:47:34 AM
Hello Marion that is a super story that will touch the lives of many who have forgotten how blessed they have been in life. Marsha and I are at present helping a homeless gentleman living in a tent and fighting to survive here. He lost everything he had in the storms. I go pick him up form where he has his tent and bring him to my home and have him help me with work here so he can feel what we do for him is not a hand out. We have fed him many meals now and taken him to the food stamp office and yes we have even invited him to go to Church with us. We are all gods children and he is one that got lost in life. It is amazing what a little help in the right way can do for people that are down. He was even sleeping on the ground. I gave him a cot I had that I did not need. And a tarp to put over his tent because it leaked when it rained. He now wants to go to Church when we go. We will continue to help this man until he is back on his feet with a new home from the FGG new home program as we are also going to give him the Gift of FGG lifetime member ship. He is also a Viet Nam Vet like myself. Have a blessed day Fredie.
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/20/2005 9:59:03 AM
Hello Dearest Marion, Thank you so much for sharing these great stories with us. It is a great way to start our Sunday and make people really think. I look forward to a great Sunday with your Sunday smile. Keep smiling!
Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/20/2005 10:21:29 AM
wonderful story can`t help but get a tear to your eyes with that one.
Deborah Storm
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/20/2005 11:28:37 AM
Very sweet Marion, and probably needs to be a DAILY read! :)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 11/20/2005
11/20/2005 1:51:16 PM
Hello Marion! This a great story from a great friend. Happy Holiday! LaNell

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