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Dawn Cooke

224 Posts
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/14/2005 12:44:18 PM
Thank you ,Anthony. With it being a "secret launch" and no solid info on the company r people behind it should have raised some red flags. I wil pass it on. Smiles, Dawn Cooke
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/14/2005 12:44:58 PM
Katherine. Thanks for the show of support to us over this matter. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/14/2005 12:46:29 PM
Lisa (Lee Lu). Thank you for your positive post & for being such a good friend. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/14/2005 12:49:08 PM
Blanka, Hello, thank you for visiting our forum & posting your postive support. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/14/2005 12:51:34 PM
Janise. Hello my friend, Yes, if you were promoting this program, your referral advert has not been working since the begining of the weekend anyway. He has changed the advert & no one gets referrals anymore. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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