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Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
12/8/2005 7:21:30 PM
Hi; ================= 3) You asked "would I walk if there was $$$ on the table" ================= Where did I ask that? Middle of page 30: =========================================== Now, Linda, would you choose (f) if you had $30,000 + sitting in a "program" waiting for one little change that happened before but now has not? I mean, $30,000 to $100,000 earned sitting there, just waiting for the right moment, the right occurence. You say (f) so easily. Have you really been there? Have you really been faced with that decision? =========================================== So.... thar' ya go. That's where. As for "sipping purple koolaid" - sure they're strong words. They weren't in reference to you. They were in reference to why I would not waste time trying to "inform" people. If I think ScamWay Corporation is poison, and someone else thinks it's it's the best thing since sliced bread - why would I waste my time trying to convince them otherwise? : ) Linda P.S. Please don't make the mistake of thinking I am implying anything. Ever. I don't imply things. I come right out and say them. *wink*
Re: Strange Money # 5 Network Marketing
12/8/2005 7:24:39 PM
Hi Linda, I agree with what you say, about promises being broken. Feeling cheated is not unique to MLMs. What I said was that MLMs have a greater proportion of this type of occurence because the promises are what are sold, not reality in MLMs most of the time. You are right, I do not have to defend myself. It is only a conversation. I choose to add epexegesis based on some of the conversation. (Great word Gary!)
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: Strange Money #5: Network Marketing Q/A
12/8/2005 7:37:19 PM
Hi Linda, Ok, guess I did ask a question like that. What my question was if there were dollars on the table that could be released if something happened that had happened before. The conversation has been in a general way about MLMs so the comment you made is in a general way about any person who chooses to stay in an MLM that has become less than favorable. Your explanation was more specific. When it is specific then implications are less. ===================== Please don't make the mistake of thinking I am implying anything. Ever. I don't imply things. I come right out and say them. *wink* ===================== LOL, I am sure :-) im·ply (ĭm-plī') pronunciation tr.v., -plied, -ply·ing, -plies. 1. To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death. 2. To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval. See synonyms at suggest. See Usage Note at infer. I have been speaking of definition 1. You are speaking of definition 2. I believe.
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Gary Simpson

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Re: MLM thread - Playing the ball & playing the (wo)man!
12/8/2005 7:40:37 PM
Hi David, I can see how you may have read that into the comments. This is one of the things that email is notorious for. It is not truly interactive. If you and Winston had been sitting down just chatting you could have both explained yourselves in an instant. No offence would be offered and none received. I'm sure that both of you guys are very mature and highly intelligent. I know the latter, at least, from so much of the many comments made. I really like them even sometimes when I disagree with them. At least you both have the fortitude to make them. However - and I have said this ad-nauseum all over the place - email or messaging is so IMPERFECT for proper interaction. A word here and a word there, innocent as they may be, can often be mis-understood, misinterpreted etc. This is especially so when people are from different countries and idiomatic language is used. Heh... heh... there is a great line I could use to really tangle that last paragraph, but I won't. I'll leave it to someone else... Linda, you said: ======================== "What you're talking about, essentially, are broken promises. Anyone who is divorced knows what that feels like. Anyone that's been cheated by a business partner knows what that feels like. Feeling cheated out of what you were promised isn't unique to MLM. ========================= Hallelujah! sing along folks... "Hal...lel...ujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" BROKEN PROMISES Ahh. The crux of the matter. Yes! Let's set aside marriage and divorce issues. Why? Coz I said so! OK? Business. How much discontent does failure to deliver on promises bring in business? It has even lead to murder. And in MLM - because of the number of people involved - it is rife! Thanks Linda. It was a sledgehammer to drive in a tack. Now, where is my desert rose? I seek her here. I seek her there. I seek her gifts, I mean, presents (sic). I have Christmas thoughts on my mind... Gary Simpson
Re: The Personal Side of Things
12/8/2005 7:42:28 PM
Good post guy's, you too Linda. :-) Sorry, had to say that. Okay, for what it's worth I want to add some fuel. Linda, when you make comments like "a waste of time" it comes across as if everyone must agree. I think I understand your position but what about a lesson learnt. Things may not work out effectively or efficiently but they are still experiences of some value. I suppose anyone of us could be accused of wasting a lot of time when we are measured by someone else standard. One doesn't actually waste time, we do unnessary work with the time we have. :-) Dave and Peter, I get the impression from your comments that you cannot separate or you have some difficulty keeping the money out of the purpose. Gary, your funny. :-)