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Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:16:26 PM
Bryan G'day to you. Yes, like I replied to Lee, I saw that you had joined & will get in touch to personally welcome you. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:17:48 PM
Marilyn, Glad to see your already in & testing, maybe you can inform us all of how your getting on as you have been in longer than us. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:19:11 PM
Hi Leanne. That's all I ask, just check it out. do not upgrade until you are fully aware of everything. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:21:45 PM
Hi Donna, Yes, We are earning quite a bit from Stormclix, & being NetIBA registered does open up the higher paying 'clicks' to us. This was a happy coincedence as our Security store is NetIBA confirmed as being a 'reliable' store & us as reliable vendors. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Janise Collins

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Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/14/2005 1:12:52 AM
Anthony, I have already signed up and I am anxious to see what happens. Thanks so much for the invitation. Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners

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