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Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:00:15 PM
Hi Lisa (Jewel) Yes, it does look good, doesn't it 'sponsor' Your security friend in las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:07:29 PM
Hi Katherine. Glad you are in.. As for Stormpay, I know they charge, but so does PayPal, it is for giving you added protection when you shop online. In our web stores, it costs a lot of money monthly for the security systems in our payment processors, to ensure that customers details do not become local 'knowledge. At the moment we do not charge extra for this service, but then we do not deal with thousands of payment request's daily, as each transaction cost's us money. If that happy day every comes when we get thousands of transactions a day, I guess we will have to charge a bit also. Your security friend in las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:11:32 PM
Hi Carolyn. As I replied to Katherine, It is an expensive business having Merchant Bank accoounts & payment processors with high security settings. We know this as we have to pay for each customers payment to us through our web stores, as well as the monthly charges for having the rental of these services on our stores. So I can see why StormPay & PayPal do make these charges. Your security friend in las Vegas.
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:12:56 PM
Hi Lee, Welcome aboard. Yes, I did see that you joined & will be getting in touch to welcome you officially. Your security friend in Las Vegas
Re: The 'New' kid on the block.
11/13/2005 2:15:06 PM
Hi Sarka, Glad you already in & sorry to hear about your wait with 12 daily.. it does state that you will have a small wait for your payment at the end of each period. Have you contacted 12 daily yet? Your security friend in las Vegas.

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