In the same vein:
"What dreams are these that lift the hearts and spirits of humanity to places where they never thought they'd be? Whose dreams are those that keep us on our toes, stretching, reaching to the places that we see? The dreams are ours, the collective minds of all who wish to see, and be." Free Spirit Enterprises
"No one can rise above their own self image. Imagine great things for yourself."
I dont know where that came from. But from these two one can see the combined source of power of those who would imagine great things, and surround themselves with like minded people. Avoid Devils Advocates--ya know who they work for! And "Do not cast your pearls before swine lest they tread on them and turn on you:" Good advice from John 7 in the Christian Bible. If you feel your pearls are being tread upon, it's useful to see where you are casting them. I find these just as true whether working with a business organization, or an individuals own life.