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Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 10:20:17 PM
Way to go Gene. Thank Adlandpro & your continued involvement in it. I just love it. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 10:25:22 PM
Janise. Your right on both counts. 1,I'm good (modesty is not one of my faults) 2,Adlandpro community involvement gets you seen, your business seen & you get an identity that everyone can associate you with your business. So, who do you think the members will think of if they require, oh I don't know. Maybe personal & home security products or information. Hmmm I wonder! Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 10:29:05 PM
Dr DA. I am honoured your MD'ness...... Spot on their Doc. The power of Uniqueness. I like it. As for the making of your username unique. I joined in the dark ages when we only had numbers. Guess I will have to upgrade to get a name. Anyway, everybody knows me. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 10:35:59 PM
leanne. Yes, when I googled both of our webstores, using their real names not their URL's. I got a lot more information than when you Google search the URL's, which is stravge but usefull if people forget the URL. Just wish when we first built the stores, we settled for a shorter name...... Yes, our store's name's are Domain name's. I do think that pays bigtime, as it's another 'Brand mark' that says who you are & what you have to offer. Glad you have almost a whole page about you when your business is Googled. Thank Adlandpro for getting you recognised in some way there. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 10:40:11 PM
Misty. Nonsense, it's not creepy. That is you, your Internet Identity. If customers want to obtain something that they know you can get. Then, if they cannot remember your websites URL or it's name, they Google you & get the information they need to ask, beg or buy what they need from YOU! That is networking, power of Advertising & good old business sense all folled into one. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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