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Your Internet Identity security
11/9/2005 6:08:47 PM
Hello everyone. That may sound like a strange title. Your Internet Identity security. Did you realise, that just by being a member of Adlandpro & posting to forums, or writing your own, you are actually building your 'own' Interent Identity. If you do not understand what I mean, or are a dis-beliver. Then Google my Name. Anthony Hobbs. Google someone else here at Adlandpro. The darling teacher of us in most things. Beverly Armstrong. What do you find as the very first link. Anthony Hobbs. Adlandpro community..... The same with Beverly. Try getting that with any of the other so called "network marketing comunity's" that are trying desperately to get members to leave Adlandpro & join there 'copies' Beverly so rightly hits the nail in her forum post. So, if you want to be known, if you want your businesses to be known, take an active part in Adlandpro, I know a lot of you read our post's, but the percentage that view, to the amount that post replies is staggering. I did another Google, on our two web stores. Not their URL's, but the actual names. P&T'S Personal & Home Security Store P&T'S Unique Gift Shop What I found suprised me. Lot's of pages about our stores, about Pam & myself, etc & a lot of that is due, to being an active member of Adlandpro. So why waste your membership, be loud, be proud. Or you could join the 'others' & be unknown...... Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 6:25:12 PM
:-) Me too - me too. It is maybe not the best ads to be on google, but.... Maybe ALL are in google?! Take care my Brit-friend Best wishes from You Viking Brother
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 6:30:12 PM
Hey Anthony, Ya know, I never even thought about that ubtil you brought this subject up. Really makes you wonder what you'll look lioke ( on net) in a year or so. Will have to check myself out on google. I do have a question for you tho. Have you ever heard of a program called Site Firewall Pro? from info I've found so far, it's supposed to put "firewall" on your website! Sounds almost to good to be true.
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 6:34:24 PM
Thank you Anthony I did not know that before and thanks to you I do know it now and I feel proud. Thank you my friend. Thomass
In Much Graditude and Love Namaste OWN A PIECE OF A LARGE INTERNET COMPANY FOR FREE: OWN THE INTERNET FOR FREE-Its that simple: To See My Art Work & Poetry Writi
Re: Your Internet Identiy security
11/9/2005 6:56:57 PM
Thanks for speaking with me and I value the comments made - if you would check through my ad land pro details and relay any comments greatly. Warmest wishes Robbie Elliott Manchester |UK|

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