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Re: Here's a thought for you!
11/7/2005 5:30:09 PM
I thank you and somehow that doesn't surprise me. Thomass
In Much Graditude and Love Namaste OWN A PIECE OF A LARGE INTERNET COMPANY FOR FREE: OWN THE INTERNET FOR FREE-Its that simple: To See My Art Work & Poetry Writi
Re: Here's a thought for you!
11/7/2005 5:40:02 PM
Hey Misty. Guess what, I don't. (present company excused) That's part of my business, not trusting people. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Here's a thought for you!
11/7/2005 5:41:14 PM
Gary & Janice. Always a pleasure to see you two from up there in (frozen?) Idaho.... Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Here's a thought for you!
11/7/2005 5:42:36 PM
Thomass. Funny thing that, It don't suprise me either. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Here's a thought for you!
11/7/2005 9:12:57 PM
Hi Anthony, I know what your thinking and it's true it's true, it stinks!Thanks for the invite! Leanne Busby

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