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Linda Miller

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Re: Introduce yourself please
4/7/2006 10:28:04 PM
Hello Alana, Thank you for your introduction and congratulations for your baby girl. It is wonderful that you can stay home with her for a year. I am sure that if you believe you can, you WILL create the circumstances that will allow you to be home with her indefinately! Blessings.
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Pauline Raina

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Re: Introduce yourself please
4/11/2006 11:18:19 PM
Hi Linda, My name is Pauline, im 52 yrs old, I come from a minority community in India known as the Eurasians or Anglo-Indians, our community is the result of the British rule in India. Both grandfathers of mine were Irish, my maternal gradmother French and my paternal gradmother Indian !!!! I cant say growning up was easy, i know what it is to be hungry and not know where or how my next meal is going to come from !! And how cold it feels when you do not have enough clothes to keep you warm in winter, and how you would love to go to your best friends birthday party but cant cos you dont have a nice dress to wear. But none of the above stopped me from dreaming !!! and dreaming real BIG !!!!Today finds me married with 2 sons, Ryan 25 and Robert 21 andthey are the joy of my life!! I made sure that none of what I went thru ever happened to them, I was wiser. God gave me the grace n courage to go thru it all, and when i see my sons and their lives and who they are, I am truelly blessed!! Now with my sons at Bible College, I have all the time in the world to do all that Ive wanted to do. I went straight back to college !! Yes, I am in my 2nd year of my bachelors in english and communications !!and im enjoying it. Working on line was a remedy i sought to help me with my insomania, a menopausal symtom. Instead of taking medication to sleep I decided its high time i got to know something i didnt know, so here I am amongst you awesome people and loving every minute of it !! Take care n stay blessed Pauline
John Dilbeck

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Re: Introduce yourself please
4/23/2006 12:10:59 PM
Hi Linda, I live in the mountains of southwestern North Carolina where I run my marketing business from what used to be a bedroom. I'm a full-time caretaker for my Mom, so I stay close to home and my computer is my window to the world. I'm here because I saw your name and had to join your forum! I want to learn and absorb some of the wonderful positive energy that surrounds you. All the best, JD
D And

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Ikan Ukan
4/23/2006 3:05:25 PM
Looking forward to learning about some great and exciting ideas. Live a prosperous life IKAN UKAN Conceive Believe Achieve Steps revealed for an empowered life and mind. ENTERPRISE MUSIC BOOKS CLOTHING HEALTH JOBS & MORE BUSINESSES ENTREPRENEURS NON-PROFITS JOBSEEKERS GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL
Empowering people, minds and lives. Step into your future and win
Linda Miller

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Re: Ikan Ukan
4/26/2006 11:51:59 PM
Welcome! Thanks for joining us here. I look forward to your participation!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina