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Re: Been a bit busy this week.
11/4/2005 8:44:24 PM
THERE YOU ARE :-) , missed You my friend. Happy they got her - was her name "Blondie"? I`m happy that she did not do much damage, that is so bad that people does this things. I wonder if she read my forum: Make it simple stupid??? Your links are great my friend, I like them. As for our African friends, I hope they soon can send over these money so we can start using them for something serious - as starving children, fight against drugs and other good things :-) Take care my friend, and do not "kill" Yourself working to hard - I know how this is, and does`nt come back to track.. Best regards Your Viking-friend Arild
Angela Cardwell

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Re: Been a bit busy this week.
11/4/2005 9:22:14 PM
Hi Anthony, Deffinitely keep the "pranks" where they are. I know Halloween is gone but all of us "serious" marketers need a good laugh now and then. It gave me a moment to take a break! Once I "caught" my heart. LOL good luck to you, Angela
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Harold Coram

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Re: Been a bit busy this week.
11/5/2005 3:46:03 AM
Hello my soon to be fishing partner... Missed you there for awhile. Man I know what you are going thru with the credit card of my daughters had that horrifying experience a couple years ago......but glad you caught on real quick. And thank you for watching our backs on all the security deals. Keep the Halloween pics..... Now have a "shot or two" for me AFTER the dentist. Harold (The Marathon Man)
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Re: Been a bit busy this week.
11/5/2005 5:00:44 AM
Anthony, isn't it UNREAL how STUPID some people can be!! THANK GOODNESS you found out and stopped it EARLY! Have a great weekend! We're headed to an air show on Saturday and boating all day Sunday! Onward and Definitely UPWARD!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN Senior Director 5 "With Our Heads Held High" AOL IM - TxBizNurse Yahoo IM - BizNurse2001 1-800-256-0004 Toll Free Home Office
Re: Been a bit busy this week.
11/5/2005 8:46:33 PM
Hi Marilyn. Thanks for your nice comments. Your security friend in Las Vegas