Hi Cheri!
Your posts always make me feel good because you are SO honest and up front. That's absolutely essential if one is ever going to succeed... which means I have very high hopes for you.
This post hit a nerve for me, and I'm sure for others. Your question "Why Are So Many Failing?" has one answer...because the vast majority of us would-be's are rank amateurs. Everyone starts out that way, really.
You hit the nail on the head. Many people beat themselves up for their failures... but we ALL start out as rank amateurs. Every single one of us. Experience is how we learn.
Many if not most of us would gladly pay for expertise, if we could figure out who the experts really are (and if we could get the money together, which is a whole other discussion). The internet itself clouds the picture. Anyone can claim to be an expert. How is an amateur to tell who has the real information?
Oh God, I know. Do I ever know. It's been the bane of my existance online since I first logged on in 1995. I could go on a whole tangent.... from people that have never sold a thing but "how to make money" programs to schools teaching students to use Frontpage and creating sites that are not browser compatible.
I once had a guy contact me because people could only use his order form in ONE browser. He'd taken a college course in website design, paid for Frontpage certification and was livid to find that he paid as much as he did to *not* know basics like browser compatibility.
Then we get into the "gurus" that have never sold anything but how to make money programs and they're teaching people "how" to sell. Selling "how to make money" to someone that needs it desperately is a whole different ballgame than selling a pound of coffee or a financial service to someone that can get it anywhere they turn around.
Okay, I won't carry on.... lol
I think it's human nature, though, to want a shortcut. I know I do. Especially when I look at what it really takes to begin to make a real income on the internet. It's overwhelming!
Do you know what I really and truly believe? I believe that if there is a shortcut - it's honesty. My first website had a short letter on it. It explained that I am (was) a marketer and graphic designer and I'd asked my ISP for a quote for website design. Then I discovered that the websites they designed didn't work in both Netscape and Internet explorer. (there was only one version of each back then)
I said that I couldn't see the sense of paying someone to create a website that only worked for some people so I learned html and made my own. I said I have no clients yet, but if a website that works in both browsers is important, I will offer a special price for the first 5 people to help me build a portfolio.
It was honest, simple and TOTALLY unlike what I design today. lol. You know what happened? I got orders.
We are, at heart, a species that connects through language. Through shared experience and stories passed from friend to friend, and even generation to generation. I think that if more people stopped "selling" and started "telling" - they'd discover what I mean.
Take your case, for example. Why do you sell Ascend? What led you to seek it out? What sold you on it? What makes you like it so much that you joined the company to sell it? Those are all things people would be able to relate to. Just the pure honesty behind what you do. You know?
As we say in my industry, those next five years are going to pass by no matter what you do. Are you going to use them, or will you still be in the same situation, complaining about the same things, at the end of them?
I love that. Pure truth. Most people are in the same boat today as they were five years ago... and if they don't change something, they'll STILL be there five years from now.
It's all about choices.
: )