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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: COME JOIN ME IN SHARING YOUR SECRETS- If you Dare or if you want
10/31/2005 8:30:10 AM
Hello My friends, Happy Halloween to every one,Watch out for the gobblins and gouls out there, My worst teacher was when I was in college,he was my music teacher,He would say and yell the most horrible things at the kids,Because I was older I would say things to the teacher to take the pressure off the kids being attacked.I always told him if the kids parents knew he was doing this he would be in so much trouble.He once told me that he would like to take me out in a field and shoot me,I was a very trouble maker.I do not like to see kids get attacked like can bet I open my mouth every time.kathy martin
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Re: COME JOIN ME IN SHARING YOUR SECRETS- If you Dare or if you want
10/31/2005 6:27:48 PM
Kathy, The toughest teacher I ran up against was a school principle named Mrs. Swatter. One cold morning at Swisshome, Oregon I decided that I did not want to attend school that day. I got a bright idea! I went to the grocery store across the street and bought a very large Idaho baking patato. When the bus came I was the last to get on it. But just before I got on the bus I took the patato and shoved it up the tailpipe of the school bus. The bus started hacking and coffing and all of a sudden there was a large POW! and the patato blew back across the street nearly to the store. What I did not realize was the buss driver was watching me in the mirror, and reported me to Mrs. Swatter. She was going to expell me! If it was not for the intervention of my older sister she (would have) expelled me from school! Of course I had to answer to my dad when my sister told him about it!
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Re: COME JOIN ME IN SHARING YOUR SECRETS- If you Dare or if you want
11/1/2005 12:36:48 AM
The worst experience I had with a teacher came in the tenth grade. The teacher wasn't a scary, or mean looking person. She didn't really have an aristocratic demeanor either. But, one day I went into class feeling a bit under the weather. I had a pain in my lower right side that felt like razor blades were sitting just under my skin facing inwards towards my back. Everytime I moved it hurt pretty bad. This had been going on all day. So, finally after I couldn't take it anymore, I politely asked my teacher's permission to see the school nurse. For some reason, the entire class started cracking up! I guess I had a reputation as being somewhat of a class clown, but at that moment, I was entirely serious. She just smiled back at me and said, "take a seat". Since I was not about to just go take a seat I said, "fine I'm leaving with or without your permission". "Call the police if you want to!" I guess she found my comments threatening. Instead of "letting me go see the nurse", she told me to stand there and watch her fill out this form for me to give to our school principal in his office. I slowly walked down to the principal's office and waited for what seemed like an eternity for his "busy schedule" to make time for troublesome me. All the while, I just wanted to use the phone and call for help. I finally got to make a phone call to my parents and ended up in an ambulance about five hours later. After having my appendicitis cared for in the hospital, I was able to retun back to that lady's classroom about three weeks later. She sort of zoned me out for the rest of the semester. Looking back on it, our teacher/student relationship was probably more like that of an inmate/prison guard relationship for some unexplained reason.
Re: COME JOIN ME IN SHARING YOUR SECRETS- If you Dare or if you want
11/1/2005 1:54:38 PM
Kathy, Like most of us I have had numerous experiences with teachers who were eith abusive, uncaring, couldn't teach or all the above. However the one's I choose to remember are the ones who loved to teach and who loved to be a part of the growth experience of their students. Typically with the lousy teachers I merely tollerated them; earned the grade and moved on. With the good one's I carried a part of each of them with me. Since I now work at a university I am able to be apart of the growth of students which truely makes me very happy. So often I can pull from one of my former 'Master Teachers' to be of assistance when one of my student's is struggling. One of the reasons I am in my profession is to make a difference and to aide students when they run accross one of these sob's. In sharing this with you I am not praising myself I am pointing out that sometimes we need to turn lousy situations into causes that can help us to rise above the adversity and as Max Cleland (former head of the VA and a triple amputee from vietnam) wrote in the title of his book; to become 'Strong at the Broken Places.' God bless. Dave
Re: COME JOIN ME IN SHARING YOUR SECRETS- If you Dare or if you want
11/1/2005 10:18:34 PM
Hi Kathy! How nice to meet you. What busy forums you have! The worst teacher I ever had was a high school history teacher. On the first day of class, he asked everyone who had jobs on the side to raise their hand. I raised mine. He then said all those with their hands raised can EXPECT to get a lousy mark in his class because he believes school should be a full time effort. He said his basis for the low mark would be that if we are working outside of school hours, we have the wrong attitude and will be penalized accordingly. He then asked who would be willing to quit their jobs. I said I would not. I then asked permission to speak. He said okay. (amazingly) So I stood up and said my Dad is a farmer and my mother is a waitress. I have 8 brothers and sisters. I have always been an honor roll student and have worked full time since I was 15 to help my parents. I told him that this is an 11th grade advanced history and I am only a first semester grade 10 student taking the class, and I don't think it's fair to get a low mark because I have a job. I think my mark should reflect my work. He gave me 90s on all my papers -- and then a 72% final mark with the drop because of "attitude" just as he promised. It was devastating to me at that time because my average was in the 90s and I didn't make honor roll because of that one mark. lol. Now it seems like such a silly thing to have been upset about, but he was my "nightmare teacher" back then. : ) linda

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