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Re: Friends, I would like to introduce you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11/7/2005 10:02:37 PM
Hi Shelly After reading the following article, I began thinking about something. I have been very adament about my viewpoints on the war in Iraq. I am totally against it and have been from the beginning but, I support our military men and women whole heartedly. I hope I never gave anyone the impression that I had had anything but the utmost respect them. Well, this story here tells of two buddies that went through school together and then into the army. After reading this I had an idea that I thought I would share with you. I am giong to write a letter to the reporter who wrote this article and ask her to forward it on to the two veterans she wrote about. I am going to thank them for what they have done. I will offer them my support and hopefully get some other people here at adland to do the same. What do you think about that Shelly? Well, here is their story LongmontFYI Home | Local & Regional News | Sports | Business | Opinion | Community | Health | Entertainment | Find a Car Real Estate | Employment | Classifieds | Submit A Classified Ad | Subscribe to the Daily Times-Call | Contact Us Publish Date: 11/7/2005 Derrick Duran, left, and Adam Seitz, who have been friends since junior high, are part of the wave of “new veterans” who served in Iraq. Times-Call/Kristin Goode Junior high friends grapple with roles as new veterans By Pam Mellskog The Daily Times-Call LONGMONT — Last spring, U.S. Army veteran Derrick Duran finally scribbled about a dozen taboo questions on the back of a brown grocery bag. The list sits untouched in his glovebox. But he wishes he could flash it when people start asking about touchy subjects. Since his April 2003 discharge, the former specialist in the 101st Airborne’s 2nd Battalion has fielded queries such as: Did you kill anyone in Iraq? and If yes, how many? Answering honestly dredges up a past he and childhood buddy Adam Seitz, an Army specialist discharged in February from the 3rd Armored Cavalry, have not quite put to rest. The Department of Veterans Affairs diagnosed both men with disabling post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms include persistent frightening thoughts and memories of a traumatic ordeal that leads to insomnia, emotional numbness and jumpiness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Duran also suffered complete hearing loss in his right ear and has shrapnel permanently lodged in his right hand and arm after surviving an explosion near Mosul, Iraq. The Army burned the uniform ruined by blood, he said. But no one can burn unwanted memories. One night back home, as he tossed and turned with a war nightmare, his concerned girlfriend almost woke him. “Don’t do that,” he told her later. “Your collarbone would have been broken.” Realizing what could have happened shook Duran more than the nightmare itself, he said. Near misses with suicide bombings made Seitz leery of crowds. “You think about the things you were doing, that you were just (at the bomb site), and that you lucked out,” he said of driving Humvees through streets packed with Iraqis. “Now, I get really frustrated when people invade my bubble.” He and Duran, both 23 and 2000 Skyline High School graduates, still feel too watchful to enjoy big party scenes. But they initially buffered themselves from the troubling past with alcohol, in small groups or alone. “For basically two months, Animal House was my lifestyle,” Duran said of his homecoming. Getting an accurate diagnosis and competent counseling helped them cope in healthier ways. For one thing, they can better explain their disturbing experiences. “First, you’re fighting (the Iraqis). And then it was, ‘Now, teach the kids how to play soccer.’ It was a big psychological switch,” Duran said. And culture shock has given way to reflection. “I never saw a woman ride in the front seat of a car there,” Seitz said. At one checkpoint, Duran searched a small truck and saw three men sitting in the air-conditioned cab sipping cold sodas while the driver’s wife sat in the truck bed with four sheep. They still marvel at the chauvinism, the poverty and the abuse they witnessed. But they feel good about making some tangible improvements by building roads, schools and other infrastructure. “It’s uplifting when they just want to touch you, and they’re trying to say ‘Thank you’ in English,” Duran said. From civilian distance, they can also lighten up about sandstorms so strong that troops stopped, dropped and pulled ponchos over themselves like makeshift turtle shells. “You look orange. You look like aliens. You wake up, and you look like you’re on Mars,” Seitz said of the sticky grit. These days, Seitz studies international affairs at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Duran works as a security guard — a job he hoped to swap for police duty had his hearing loss not disqualified him. But memories and e-mail conversations with Army buddies still based in Iraq make the war a steady focal point. “At school, people walk around with clipboards to send our troops home. They’re not helping things,” said Seitz, who totes a black backpack stitched with two patches from his uniform: the 3rd Armored Cavalry patch and an American flag. “I’m proud. No matter what, I’m going to be proud,” he said. “And I get really frustrated with some of the things people say (about it) who have never left Colorado.” A few peers, they said, have criticized them for going to school on the Army’s dime and cashing in with disability status. “But I never refer to my disability as ‘free money’ because I pay for it every day,” Duran said. He pulled his boot camp mug shot out out of his pocket. “I’m not this guy any more,” he said. He’s also not the guy who cheered with Seitz at Rockies games as a kid and sang with him in Skyline’s choir, he said. That leaves both men with a question not jotted on Duran’s paper bag list, but ultimately the toughest one of all. “We remember who we were before the war and who we were in combat. Now we’re left with the aftermath,” Duran said. “The question is, who will we be now?” Pam Mellskog can be reached at 303-684-5224, or by e-mail at
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Shelly Hargis

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Re: Friends, I would like to introduce you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11/7/2005 10:37:59 PM
Hi William. This is a Wonderful and Also such a Sad Article. It is awful what Our Soldiers Bring Home with them if they are Fortunate to even Return Home. I Think that Your Idea is a Wonderful One. I would Surely Love to be on that List Letting these Wonderful and Brave Soldiers, who Risked their Lives Everyday, Fighting for Our and Others Freedom from Terrorism, Know Just How Much We Really Appreciate Them and Care for them. Go For it! Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Re: Friends, I would like to introduce you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11/15/2005 12:09:45 AM
Hello Friends I have just met someone that I would like to introduce you to. She was evidently browsing around some of our mental health forums and decided to send me a PM. We became instant friends and she seems like a very genuine, carring person so I thought,what better place for her to start meeting people than right here. The following is the PM that she first sent me. Don't worry, I got her permission to repost it LOL. Here she is folks, our new friend Myra From Myra Dwyer: Re: Thank You For Your Friendship Date: 11/7/2005 Thanks William, My aunt fell in love at age 17 and her true love did not feel the same. Apparently, this caused her such heartache, according to my Mom, that she was never the same. She lived her life like she was still 17. She could not hold a job or live in the real world like the rest of us. She just passed away a few months ago. So much is being learned about it and there are some break throughs that are helping people. I found a story told by one of our associates on a call the other night almost unbelievable. Her daughter was born with a condition, I cannot remember the name. They were told that she would never be normal. She could not carry on a conversation, could not go to school or hardly function at all. Every medication was tried, every test available. Her Mom stated giving her MonaVie and just after a few weeks her whole world changed. She is now driving, has a normal conversation and functions as if nothing was wrong. The MonaVie just provided the necessary nutrients that her body needed. Do you think that is what is missing in many people? Another person is Bipolar and started taking it and it changed her life also. Could this type product be the answer? It seems that mental illness is more widespread or we hear about it more now than ever. I know that my children and grandchildren do not get all that their bodies need because of the rush that we live in these days. Mental illness has been with us since the beginnig of time, but now everyone knows someone with it. Most of the nutrients have been used from our soils, so what we plant and grow does not provide what is necessary. If something like getting enough vitamins and nutrients can change lives then we need to help others. I am not trying to make a sale with you, honestly, I hope that this is the answer to many peoples problems. I have heard story after story like this. We have calls each week where real people just tell their stories. Some of them make me cry. Did not mean for this to be so long, my passion just took over! I would really love to hear what you think is causing a lot of the illnesses, William. Myra To Myra Dwyer: Re: Thank You For Your Friendship Date: 11/7/2005 Hello Myra You know, for as long as I have been involved with mental illness and it's treatments, you'd think i'd have more answers but,to tell you the truth, if anyone has the answers they sure aren't sharring them with us. Actually it is the same wioth other types of illness as well. Nobody knows what causes cancer or diabetes either and yet it goes on killing thousands of people every year.. Sometimes i think that there is just too much money in research to actually find cures. That is why it is so important for people like you and I to share our knowledge and our experience with others. Personally, I allready trust you more than I trust any government agency or research group. I would like to ask you a little favour though. Unless you have a personal reason for not wanting to, would you mind posting things like this on my forums rather than in a PM. You have a very important bit of information here and I would love to have you share it with others who read my forums. If you would rather not divuldge who ypou are then I could copy and paste it for you if you wouldn't mind. It's all about spreading the message of hope to those who suffer with a mental illness, their families and their loved ones and your post here could really mean a lot to someone Thank you so much Myra for your concern and your compassionand please come back soon OK? From Myra Dwyer: Re: Thank You For Your Friendship
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Friends, I would like to introduce you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11/23/2005 4:16:48 AM
Hello Friends I have a brand new introduction to make today. He is a new friend of mine who resides in Canada and has been helping me quite a bit with my Politics Spoken Here forum. He, Like myself, is very interested in gathering news from around the world and comparring notes. So, with that in mind, I have decided to introduce our new friend along with his first post on his new thread. How about a warm Adland welcome, for our new friend, Mr. Claude Gagne. CIA Secret Prison? Posted: 22 Nov 2005 09:23 AM Have you heard about this? this news is all over europe and canada for the past week. sounds like a conspiracy theory but for those involved. Also it has been confirmed that the usa is using white phosporus weapons in Iraq first the white house and army denied then when the bbc released footage they admitted it. this is a particularly horrendous chemical weapon that will burn flesh to the bone and keep burning as lng as there is oxygen to feed it. Claude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claude Gagne The Story Page
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Friends, I would like to introduce you to,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12/12/2005 11:04:25 AM
Greetings All This introduction is a little out of the ordinary. It is an introduction for someone to introduce someone else who has just lost a dear friend. I promised I would share this message on my forum here. In Memory of Allen Winters Posted: Dec 12, 2005 10:44 AM Hi Adland friendsjust wanted to help a friend get the word out about Allen Winters i copyed her post thanks Her name is Jessica Chen My dearest ... dearest friend Stevie (he liked to be called Stevie instead of Allen) was rushed to Hospital by Ambulance around 9:00am on December 3rd (Saturday). Hospital found him had a very bad Stroke and late he died in the hospital at around 7:00pm. Stevie was a very talented poem writer. There are only 32 poems posted on my website but he got many more. While still updating the web pages for Stevie, I'd like to invite you all to join my prayer for his families. Stevie had no life insurance or saving. Right now, we are seeking donation to help paying for his niche space at Crown Hill Cemetery (Indianapolis, IN). While Stevie was alive, he wanted very much to publish his poems and to let people know that police has beaten him wrongfully (police got the wrong guy) and police got away from their wrong doing. Stevie has become disabled since police beat him up 5 years ago. So, if you like to help with the donation, would you please contact My name is Jessica and my phone number is 317-536-1840. Also, I'd appreciate very much if you can post this message around for me over the web. God bless you all. Jessica -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Mental Health And Political Forums Lifetime web building and hosting for under $40. One time payment The most advanced VOIP system there is anywhere. Better Universe. The People Helping People Company May a smile follow you to sleep each night, and be there waiting when you awaken. SIncerly, Bill Vanderbilt / Fanbelt
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy