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Vi Shahan

201 Posts
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Re: The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week - 14th Edition
10/24/2005 3:03:14 PM
Congratulations Arild on the honor bestowed on you. You deserve it.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Re: The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week - 14th Edition
10/24/2005 3:03:49 PM
Thank You Shirley - my singing star. I wish You the best of luck now and hope You reach Your goal now - I know You will. Take care and keep us informed. Hugs from Your viking-friend Arild
Re: The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week - 14th Edition
10/24/2005 3:06:42 PM
Thank You Vi, I`m much honored. Take care now..
Re: The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week - 14th Edition
10/24/2005 3:27:03 PM
"Arild" "YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA YEA \O/ \O/ WAY TO GO BIG TUFF GUY!!! :) What a proud and blessed guy I am to be amoung the pro's here at Adlandpro!! Looks like I was right when I needed the BEST OF THE BEST on my Friends Team!! You look really good sitting way up there my friend :) Don't forget us little kids in the HOT SEAT at your feet! :) I wash feet you know...You ready?? :) Hey since Jesus did it for HIS friends, I can too :) God bless you my very special friend!! :) Norway must be a BIG place to hold such AWESOME TUFF GUYS! :) TTYL....Doc...Romans 8:28><> :) "DEAR FATHER GOD I THANK YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE AND I LIFT UP MY BUDDY AND VERY SPECIAL FRIEND TO YOU, ((ARILD)))..FATHER I PRAY A SPECIAL PRAYER FOR HIM AND HIS FAMILY, FRIENDS AND BUSINESS, TOO THAT YOU WOULD BLESS HIM IN A BIG WAY THAT HE CAN BLESS OTHERS IN A BIG WAY, TOO!" "FATHER I THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME PART OF A LIFE THAT SHOWS WHAT FRIENDSHIP AND BUSINESS IS ALL ABOUT. THANK YOU FATHER THAT MY GOOD BUDDY IS NOW ON TOP OF THE ADLANDPRO WORLD, BUT THAT HIS HEAD IS STILL THE SAME SIZE AS IT WAS BEFORE HE GOT UP THERE. THANK YOU FATHER THAT WE HERE CAN SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS AND NOT THE BAD. THAT IS YOUR JUDGEMENT AND NOT OURS. I THANK YOU FOR ALL THIS AND MUCH MORE IN THE NAME OF JESUS I PRAY AMEN, AND AMEN!!" God's best to your best my friend!! :) Doc...Romans 8:28><> :)
Re: The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week - 14th Edition
10/24/2005 3:34:36 PM
THANK YOU SO MUCH my Dear friend Doc - You shall never wash my feet, You are one of the persons who makes Adland to the good place it is to be - and therefor gives me the motivation to do my part for it. Therefor You sit beside of me - in the same please. I am honored to have You as my good friend Doc. Take care and thanks for Your prayer.

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