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Re: When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm...
10/21/2005 8:12:41 PM
Hello!Bogdan and everybody, Thanks for invitation. True! Those words are so right!I agree and admire. Yes! we live through our children.How they are going through their lives is the way we tought them. Kindness,love and respect for other men and faith are the helpers in everybodys life, so our children should be tought that first as well, And that's our-parents job, Of course, as a good perents we want our kids have no problems in life .Perhaps we can save them many, if we pass them enthusiasm. Thanks!Peace and Love Ania
Lisa Westberry

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Re: When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm...
10/21/2005 9:36:51 PM
Thank you again Bogdan. Great Quote. Your friend,
Chris Wiseman

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Re: When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm...
10/22/2005 4:37:51 AM
I love this one Bogdan. Very true words indeed. Thanks for sharing.
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Douglas Grounds

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Re: When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm...
10/22/2005 8:37:45 AM
Edison was a good man. Douglas G
Douglas Grounds
Thea Westra

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Re: When a man dies, if he can pass enthusiasm...
10/23/2005 9:41:02 AM
Well, yes and no Bogdan. After all, Hitler, Jack the Ripper and Saddam Husein were enthusiasts wouldn't you say? I'd probably qualify it with 'enthusiasm for ... (insert specific value)' Here's a great exercise related to values for those who'd like to clarify theirs:

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