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Re: Autism. A most misunderstood illness of children
3/2/2006 1:20:45 AM
Dear Friends The debate over weather there is a link between autism and childhood vaccinations is over. The proof has been in for some time now and it is time for these crooks and liars to pay for what they have done to our children. There are still those with a vested interest in the pharmacuetical companies and certain political circles who are still denying this connection but their days are numbered. The only people left who are still denying that thimerasol causes autism are thieves, liars and crooked politicians like Sen Bill Frist. You know Old Bill don't you? He is the guy that named Dec 26, 2005 Fristmas day after he underhandedly managed to slip a corrupt piece of legislation into a defense spending bill that relieves pharmacuetical companies of any responsibility for the damages that their poisons have caused. This is illegal legislation and it must be fought with every bit of effort that We The People can muster. Here is the latest informationm that I have received on this matter. Please read this and act accordingly. Time for CDC to Come Clean by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 03.01.2006 Correspondence newly obtained under the Freedom of Information Act raises troubling new questions about CDC's role in the Thimerosal scandal. Thimerosal is the mercury-based vaccine preservative that has been linked to epidemics of neurological disorders, including autism, in American children born after 1989. Responding to scientific studies linking dangerous levels of mercury to a range of health disorders, the CDC in July 1999 recommended that the nation's vaccine makers eliminate Thimerosal as a preservative, "as soon as possible." But the newly released documents show that behind the scenes CDC was quietly discouraging Thimerosal's removal. In a July 1999 letter, vaccine producer SmithKline Beecham tells CDC that it is ready to produce non-Thimerosal DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccines immediately and has sufficient inventories to supply the entire U.S. market during the remainder of 1999 and the first half of 2000, by which time other vaccine manufacturers would have their Thimerosal-free DTP vaccines on line. Thimerosal-laden DTP vaccines containing 25 micrograms of mercury apiece were then being administered to American infants at two months, four months and six months -- far exceeding EPA's recommended safe level for mercury. Had CDC accepted SmithKline's offer, it could have immediately reduced the mercury exposures to vaccinated six-month-old children by 40%. However, in November, CDC mysteriously sent a letter back rejecting SmithKline's offer. Then, on July 14, 2000 CDC published a deceptive press release promising to require that all vaccines be Thimerosal-free as soon as "adequate supplies are available." This was a full 12 months after the agency had denied SmithKline's proposal. "If CDC were basing its decision on safety alone, it would have taken SmithKline up on its offer. That's a no-brainer," said a federal health official who requested anonymity. "So there were other considerations beside safety that were guiding their decision making." Among these "other considerations" were CDC's important concerns for the preservation of the vaccine program, a bureaucratic impulse for self-preservation, and protecting the economic interests of its vaccine industry friends. "Immediate withdrawal would send a strong message; 'We messed up!'" the health official told me. "And I don't think they wanted to send that message to parents, the public or those considering legal action." "There was also concern," says the federal official, "that an immediate withdrawal might discredit the international vaccine programs for which CDC is an important partner." The World Health Organization has urged CDC against the banning of Thimerosal in U.S. vaccines since that prohibition might discredit WHO's third world inoculation programs. WHO, with U.S. funding, is now injecting children in developing countries with the same amounts of Thimerosal we were giving American kids at their highest exposures, but in a shorter time period. In May 2001, WHO committed to "develop a strong advocacy campaign to support the ongoing use of Thimerosal." But CDC insiders argue that CDC's primary concern was the economic impacts on its pharmaceutical industry partners. "The big consideration was cost," says the federal health official. "A lot of CDC's friends in the vaccine industry had stockpiled Thimerosal-based vaccines. If they couldn't sell them the costs would total in the tens of millions of dollars." On July 14, 2000 CDC promised to complete the transition to Thimerosal-free vaccines for children by first quarter 2001. But, probably for the reasons stated above, its commitment sometimes seems half-hearted. CDC continues to promote the use of Thimerosal in vaccines. The agency continues to send its top spokesman Roger Bernier around the country to testify before state legislatures to derail state efforts to ban Thimerosal in vaccines. Last week Bernier was testifying against a proposed Thimerosal ban in Maryland. CDC continues to exert muscular efforts to derail studies of American cohorts -- the Amish, Christian Scientists, and home-schooled children -- who were not exposed to Thimerosal vaccines. Preliminary studies of these groups indicate very low levels of the neurological disorders, including autism, that have been associated with Thimerosal in vaccinated populations. It's time for the CDC to come clean with the American public. Its tactics of deception and obfuscation are jeopardizing the credibility of the entire vaccine program, and therefore posing an enormous danger to public health. Think Autism. Think Cure. May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and be there waiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health And Political Forums Business Forums
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Autism. A most misunderstood illness of children
3/2/2006 10:39:51 PM
Hello friends I realize that I may be repeating some information in my recent posts about autism but, please understand the importance of getting this information out to people. If you are reading this post I urge you to join our fight against those responsible for hundreds of thousands of cases of autism in our children here at home and around the world. There is information throughout my forums here where you can find contact information for state legislaters. Pleas write to them, call them or even go personally to their offices and demand that something be done about this terrible miscarriage of justice. Once again I thank you for your support in this matter. Remember, what you choose to do now with this information could change the lives of many thousands of children and the families who are sufferng through the perils of autism. May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and be there waiting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health And Political Forums Business Forums
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Autism. A most misunderstood illness of children
3/27/2006 12:27:51 AM
Greetings Friends Here is another update about things going on in the world of autism. There is a LOT OF VALUABLE INFORMATION HERE WITH SEVERAL REALLY GOOD LINKS TO RESOURCES AND RESEARCH REPORTS. i PRAY THAT THIS HELPS SOMEONE ,SOMEWHERE OUT THERE FIND SOME ANSWERS TO SOME VERY DIFFICULT QUESTIONS. Mercury Generation March Update Only 16 days until rally day! There's still time to get good air fares under the 14 day deadline, book now. Many recent news stories are in our favor, so let's strike while the iron is hot! From ABC news, Washington: Autism Study Prompts Debate From UPI: The Age of Autism: Mercury Creeps Back In From the Milford Daily News: Lawmakers seek new investigation into vaccine autism link Read the letter from Congressional leaders to the NIEHS urging an independent study of the VSD here: Last week, Senator John Kerry used a national platform to express his concerns about thimerosal, based on what he's learned from parents. Read his comments on Imus in the Morning here: Unfortunately, too many of our elected officials still just don't "get it" - and they won't unless you tell them! Just the day before Senator Kerry's remarks, the Senate HELP Committee voted down a provision in a new insurance bill (S.1955) that would allow the continuation of state mandates for autism treatment. THE DRUG COMPANIES AND INSURANCE INDUSTRY HAVE THOUSANDS OF LOBBYISTS WORKING AGAINST US. BUT THEY ARE NO MATCH FOR COMMITTED AND UNITED PARENTS. IF YOU AREN'T THERE TO SPEAK FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THE ONLY VOICES HEARD WILL BE THOSE OF THE CDC, DRUG COMPANIES, AND THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY. If you are not able to attend The Mercury Generation March, try to schedule a meeting at your representative's local district office and let's let them know we are not going away. It's time to make our children a priority! Go to to get instructions on what you can do this week to continue to gain support for your child. SIGN UP TODAY AT: BE THE VOICE OUR CHILDREN NEED. SEE YOU APRIL 6TH IN DC! May a smile follow you to sleep each night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and be ther waiting, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health Forums
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Autism. A most misunderstood illness of children
3/29/2006 8:45:34 PM
Greetings Friends I realize that some of my posts on this thread are repiticious but, It is very important that this information gets out to as many people as possible so I continue to post anything that comes my way in the line of research or treatments. Thank you for your interest in this forum and please, forward this to other people that you know who might help us in our quest to put an end to Autism. Media Advisory March 29, 2006 Contacts: Wendy Fournier (Portsmouth, RI) 401-632-7523 Rita Shreffler (Nixa, MO) 417-818-9030 National Autism Association Voices Support of Press Conference to Shine Light on Mercury-Containing Vaccines and Autism Long-time leaders in raising awareness of injected mercury/autism link applaud Autism Society of America’s participation in media event Nixa, MO – The National Autism Association (NAA) today congratulated scheduled participants in a press conference to highlight growing evidence of a link between mercury-containing vaccines and neurological injuries resulting in diagnoses of autism and related disorders among American children. The media event is scheduled for Thursday, March 30, at the National Press Club, 529 14th St., NW, Washington, DC. Joining journalists Dan Olmsted of UPI and David Kirby, New York Times contributor and author of the award-winning book Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic, will be Lee Grossman, president and CEO of the Autism Society of America (ASA). “We are delighted to see another autism organization speak out about environmental health issues and autism spectrum disorders,” said NAA board chair Claire Bothwell. “It is encouraging that more and more parents and advocacy organizations are joining NAA in the realization that repeatedly injecting infants and young children with mercury has led to an unprecedented health care crisis in this country.” Members of Congress Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and David Weldon, MD (R-FL) will also address the media regarding new legislation to spur relevant research neglected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and to convene a new Institute of Medicine committee to investigate growing evidence of neurological injury caused by injecting mercury into children. According to a statement earlier this week from Evidence of Harm publisher St. Martin’s Press, Rep. Maloney will announce legislative action to require research comparing health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations of children in America. Such studies have been requested repeatedly by families of children suffering various neurological disorders such as autism and ADHD. “The CDC has consistently failed to do even the simplest research to determine the effects of increased use of mercury-containing vaccines, which isn’t all that surprising considering this agency allowed an entire generation of children to be overexposed to a known neurotoxin by injection. Rep. Maloney’s legislation will be a step in the right direction. Congress must now stand up for the children of this country instead of drug companies and negligent government agencies,” commented Ann Brasher, NAA Vice President. NAA board member Scott Bono will attend the press conference and is available to answer questions from the media at (919) 423-3748. Visit NAA on the web at -30- Think Autism. Think Cure. May a smile follow you to sleep each night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and be ther waiting, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health Forums
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Autism. A most misunderstood illness of children
4/6/2006 11:38:19 AM
Greetings Friends While it is too late to attend the rally in DC, you can still write to you state representatives and senators and ask them for an open debate in congress about the connection between thimerasol and autism and the CDC'S cover up. Plese help us bring some justice to this terrible miscarriage of justice. Millions of childrens lives depend on how many of us respond to this crises. We must stop the use of thimerasol and bring justice to those responsible for this massive cover up. NEWS RELEASE For immediate release: April 4, 2006 Contacts: Rita Shreffler (Nixa, MO) 417-818-9030 Bobbie Manning (Buffalo, NY) 716-713-6625 Wendy Fournier (Portsmouth, RI) 401-632-7523 National Autism Advocacy Organizations Converge on Capitol Hill to Demand Public Hearings New Documents Show CDC Attempts to Hide Vaccine/Autism Connection as Parents Ask Congress To Investigate or Appoint Independent Commission Washington, DC – On April 6, national children’s advocacy organizations will gather at the Capitol, urging Congress to declare autism a national emergency and commence hearings to examine actions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to block removal of mercury from vaccines and undermine state efforts to ban the known neurotoxin. Parents from around the country will join The Mercury Generation March and meet with members of Congress to encourage Senate hearings on the CDC’s possible suppression of safety information. U.S. Representatives Dan Burton (R-IN) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) will join parents in a press briefing in Upper Senate Park beginning at 11:00 AM. Leaders from the parent organizations have provided substantial evidence to Congressional offices regarding thimerosal toxicity and the CDC’s handling of relevant data. “For over a year, this investigation has been conducted behind closed doors. We have been patiently waiting for action,” said Claire Bothwell, board chair of the National Autism Association. “It’s time to bring this into the open where it belongs. If Congress doesn’t respond, parents will mount a campaign for an independent investigation of the CDC’s internal policies and conflicts of interest that permitted an entire generation of children to be overexposed to mercury.” Documents obtained earlier this year revealed the CDC declined the opportunity provided by a vaccine maker to provide mercury-free vaccines in 1999, prompting parents to ask for a Senate investigation of this notable lack of response. “The CDC failed to make the safety of children a priority. The Senate has oversight responsibility in determining the advisability of keeping mercury in childhood vaccines when the CDC already knew the exposures to children exceeded safety guidelines,” commented Ms. Bothwell. Last month, members of Congress urged the National Institute of Health Sciences (NIEHS) to examine the mercury/autism association, commenting, "If the federal government is going to have a study whose results will be broadly accepted, such a study cannot be led by the CDC," “Millions of children were overexposed to mercury by injection, yet the CDC actively encourages the use of mercury-containing vaccines. Congress has a responsibility to investigate,” said A-CHAMP board member John Gilmore. “This is far more important than millionaire baseball players using steroids or a theoretical concern about bird flu that hasn’t affected a single American. Failure to find answers for America’s children is inexcusable and immoral.” May a smile follow you to sleep each night ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and be ther waiting, when you awaken. Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt Mental Health Forums Business Opportunities Probuilders has to be the best opportunity on the entire internet. Here is my link. Go check it out for yourself. OUr Power Forced Matrix has been highly recommended to me by several close friends. It can't hurt to give it a shot. Either myself or someone else who is a member will pay your way in. It really does look very promising
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy