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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:12:51 PM
Paul my friend. I won't ask where your going, but as your a serviceman I guess your going away for 'work' Yes I totally agree with you on both aspects. Sir Winston was a brilliant man, a good tachtician & a canny politician. As for Maggie, Loved her. She manged to put right, what years of mismangement by the 'other lot' had ruined. She DID put the GREAT back in Britain. I might live in America now, but I'm proud to be English, always have, always will. Thats probably why I like living here so much. It reminds me of what Britain used to be like before 'Tony' & his cronies screwed it up. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:14:19 PM
Sarka, A pleasure as always. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:15:16 PM
Linda, Glad to see you've got your computer problems sorted.. nice of you to drop by. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:17:47 PM
Stevan Thats a great warning for all of our members who use Ebay, or any other auction site for their business. How many people would know a counterfeit foreign money order if they saw one & greed normally blinds them at the thought of all that extra money. Good post. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:20:15 PM
Hi Julia, Welcome... What an interesting life you have had & what a priceless piece of history one or two of those poems would be now.... Thank you my friend for sharing with us a peek at your earlier life. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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