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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 1:08:13 PM
Hello Anthony, You were right!. That was a fasinating piece of history. I never really knew much about Winston Churhill before now. Just waht world history taught. I have another "scam" you can make others aware of. It's not e-mail, but something worse. To those who use " Online Auctions ", Watch out for a buyer that uses name " big-joe-stores". Not only isn't he a ligitimate buyer, ( many reports of non- payment), but he is running " International scam"!!! When he buys things online, he wants to pay "more" than selling price, and then wants seller to "western union the balance of $$$ to him (usually overseas}. This is not a hoax on my part. I have been trying to sell a stove for some friends of the family who recently moved to Florida. This is being done on yahoo Auctions. This "buyer" bid on the "sale price ($500.00) and payment came to my mailing address yesterday. " In the form of 3 international money orders. Each one was for the sum of $850.00, we're talking 5 times the selling price. If I haven't learned anything from my 12 years driving truck over the road, it's that no way in the world is it going to cost $2,000.00 to ship a stove. When I saw these money orders, I immeadiately became suspicious. Took them to my bank and had branch manager look at them. She immeadiately told me ," We wouldn't even touch them", and suggusted I contact local law enforcement. During that part, the officer told me these money orders were COUNTERFIT. Please make everyone aware of this " Very dangerous scam" your friend
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
Julia Youngblood

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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 1:09:43 PM
Hi Anthony! I sure like to hear when these crooks get caught and convicted! Good news! As for Winston Churchill...yes, a very great man indeed! When I was growing up I had a friend whose family purchased the mountain retreat (up back of Palm Springs) of Winston Churchill's niece. They purchased this cabin complete with everything still in its place... I was invited on several occassions to spend the weekend in this lovely little the attic of this cabin were boxes of letters and poems and pictures of her correspondences over the years with her uncle. It was a treasure trove to behold! While my friend and his family were out sking I spent my time going thru these priceless treasures! I never had the courage to ask if I could have a poem or two, as I felt that it would have been an unthinkable request, knowing how priceless this stuff may be...I did learn, however that his was a remarkable relationship between uncle and neice and I will be forever grateful to have had this experience! Julia Youngblood "The Ink Lady"
"To see the earth as it truly is, small and blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves as riders on the earth together, brothers and sisters on that bright loveliness in the eternal."
Shelly Hargis

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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 1:10:32 PM
Hi Anthony and Thank You for sharing This Wonderful Story with us. That was Great. :) Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 1:34:20 PM
Hello Anthony, Thanks so much for the invite and for a little bit of history! It was a very good article and very interesting. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. I am happy to hear that they convicted a couple of these people that do some of the nonsense online. I pray they find more of these people and convict them as well. Maybe imprisonment will keep them busy doing stuff since apparently right now they are bored and have too much time on their hands! They seem to have nothing better to do with their time besides trying to hurt others, so it serves them right! Happy Friendship Week to you My Friend! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: An interesting piece of History,& some good news.
10/20/2005 2:03:29 PM
Arild, Glad you could find the time in your busy long,long day to read & enjoy. Take care Brother Viking. Your securty friend in Las Vegas.