Hi Larry!
I was just thinking that a suitable Logo and typeface and copy for a mailing list, e-zine, pdf could meet the need without a full-blown site at first.
Yup - start small and grow with time. Some of my most successful clients started with 5 page websites.
By not biting off too much at a time, you'll give yourself time to learn.
As a small tip - pick up a couple of financial magazines or publications related to stock trading. Find the biggest names you can find in the industry.
Then go look at their websites. Not to use all the content they use. That's not your starting point.
What you want to look at is things like color choices, layout, overall look.
Look at several of them. What you'll get is a feel for the "visual" look of the top people in the industry. Then strive to have an equal look. You don't have to have as many pages... just the same "feel" of professionalism. The content can grow over time.
: )