
Who is Carrie Poulsen?

Carrie Poulsen

Carrie Poulsen
Member SinceThursday, November 3, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, October 15, 2006
LocationNampa, Idaho, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Im a dreamer,  I want to dream with everyone! Our website is a place that you dreamshop for you or someone else. Make your home & garden into your dream places! I have a dream  to help people fufill their dreams with a  special

 item or gift.  My name is Carrie and my sister Paula,  is my partner.  Tell your freinds and family, you have a new place to shop, Dreamthoughts!!  Tell us your dream pieces,  we will show you an entire array of options. Christmas is just around the corner, make the best of your time,  shop from the confort of your own home.


                                     dreamy days from Us @ Dreamthoughts                    



My Interests
My Interests (2)
Interests: Other Pets
Industries: Gardening
Comments (8)
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Manish Mehra - (5/6/2006 2:47:28 AM) : picture on your profile is great, also your website dreamthoughts.

Free Classified Ads, Funny pictures-Jokes, Newsletters advertising, Ezines promotion, E-Cards, Dating, Work at home, Jobs, Business opportunities-Marketing, Products-services, Advertising, Banner, Hosting-Design, Blogs Search Directory, Articles, Healthcare
Always keep smiling
John Partington - (3/8/2006 6:46:51 AM) : Hi Carrie,

This is just to show my appreciation in having you as a valued friend here at Adlandpro.

Wishing you health wealth & happiness in all that you do!

Best Wishes
Walter Thomas Jr - (1/25/2006 11:10:10 PM) : What a great Idea; I believe that Carrie will stay the Course, and become one of our `greats` in Community services!!
Carrie Poulsen - (1/25/2006 11:10:10 PM) : Well this is great I have been working on my dreams and trying to share with who wants to join dreamthough.I felt like no one was looking at my dream shop. YOU have made my day! Hope is surfers clicking bye and enjoy what see and buy it and enjoy it.Love day is here how about you? Mr.Thomas,we have dreams hearts,rose,candles,tebbybears,boxes ect...
If your sign-in I will send you my catlog free.
thanks again!you my dreams continue.
Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 11:19:30 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Michael Lipsey - (11/19/2005 4:39:37 PM) : Great place to shop.Plenty of items to choose from.Some of the items are very unique.
David Ellison - (11/16/2005 11:25:17 PM) : liked your site
Carrie Poulsen - (11/16/2005 11:25:17 PM) : HI! THANK YOU! From dreamthough,our dream shop been around strarted 2003 on the web.We have been working on our dreams with our dreamy product,prices and discounts and we have drop shipment. Why no sells on the web? Being a great friend can you help?
Learning the web.
THANKS again
friends always


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