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Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:09:23 PM
Sarka my friend, Glad you like the quote so much & the site. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:12:41 PM
Tony, Hello my friend. Well, things do happen in mysterious ways. I'm happy that those little 'codes' helped you finish off you web site. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Leon Horton

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Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:30:11 PM
Thanks Anthony! What a nice gesture. This will also add content to our sites. Search Engine spiders love content! I will use them and share them too! Peace, Leon Horton
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:58:08 PM
Leon. Glad to be of some help my friend. i seem to have a ton of ebooks & other helpful items cluttering up my documents folders. maybe I aught to start a forum with them all (well a few of them to start) for all to use. Your security minded friend in Las vegas,
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 10:58:14 PM
Hello Anthony, Thank you my friend for this link,I enjoyed it very much.Hope all is well with you and your family,love to ya,kathy martin
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