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Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:00:35 PM
Donna, Thank you for saying so. It is just a little bit of code I found for free one day, & as Bogdans daily quotes seem to go down so well, I thought that offering it to our community was nothing special at all really. You made me blush now..... Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:01:42 PM
Hi Bryan, glad they are of use to you. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:03:11 PM
Hi Napoleon, Only to happy to share them, they cost me nothing, so why not everyone have them Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:04:46 PM
Lee Lu, As always, a pleasure to see you and give you a gift, my little Adlandpro Jewel. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: A little bit of 'code' to make your visitors smile.
10/9/2005 8:07:40 PM
John, Nice of you to give us the link to your site & your free downloads. Glad you enjoy the quote code. Your security minded freind in Las Vegas.

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