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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/11/2005 3:23:44 PM
Hi Anthony, I will definately tell Greg this one, what a laugh, talk about literally. Lisa
Thinking of visiting New Zealand. A must see is Hawkes Bay, Hastings.
Re: Something to make you smile!
10/12/2005 1:27:43 AM
Hi Anthony, This blonde is much more intelligent then most, I know dumb red heads,blackheads,but never a grey haired,not yet anyway. Thanks for the invite! Leanne Busby
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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/20/2005 2:31:13 PM
HI Anthony, LOL! That was too funny! Thanks for the laugh today! Have a great day! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Something to make you smile!
10/20/2005 3:02:04 PM
Thank you all my friends, I'm glad you enjoyed the little joke. Ladies, I love you all, wether blonde, brunette, redheads or deepest black. Where would us men be without you all. Like grey haired very much as well. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Something to make you smile!
10/26/2005 7:23:25 AM
Hi Thanks enjoyed this. Fredie
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