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Dawn Cooke

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 4:33:37 PM
Shelly Hargis is a dear friend here at Adland. She is in my prayers. I have been in similar circumstanse before and would love to help her. God, Please bless Shelly's family,In the name of Jesus Christ,Amen. Dawn Cooke
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Jill Bachman

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 4:39:24 PM
Thank you so much for posting this and letting us know. I have said prayers, and I will keep them in my prayers. You are a wonderful person to make this know to all of us, and create this prayer community. God bless, Jill
Gene Tinney

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 4:43:50 PM
hi Marion,shelly is a new friend to me at Adland and i had no idea she was having trouble,I will pray for her and if there's anything else i can do please let me know Gene
Dave Young

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 4:53:45 PM
Hello Marion, I pray for Shelly that everything comes together. Shelly deserves the best and I know with her determination, she will achieve her goals. Thanks for sharing with all of us as we pray for our special friend. With respect,
Lisa Westberry

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 6:20:02 PM
Great Forum and Great Prayer. Shelly Dear you are in my prayers for answers and guidence. If you need to talk. Just write me. We all Love you and care about you. Your Friend, Lee