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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 10/2/2005
10/2/2005 10:17:58 AM
Hi Marion, Very funny.
Flag of Arthur Barnardo

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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 10/2/2005
10/2/2005 10:50:09 AM
HI Marion, Great one.Hope you have nice Sunday. Regards arthur
Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 10/2/2005
10/2/2005 11:05:12 AM
good one marion
Deborah Storm
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 10/2/2005
10/2/2005 12:03:46 PM
Hello Marion, Thanks so much for the smile to start the day. It is a great way to start the day with a smile and end the day with a smile. Make it a great week and keep smiling!
Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 10/2/2005
10/2/2005 12:26:02 PM
Hello Marion Thanks for that it ought to get some bad people to maybe think a little about how they lead their lives. Any one how has joined Help Feed The Children Of The World Should look at the FGG opportunity Because it does the same thing. You just get paid 90% on your first 2 Tiers for doing all the hard work. and rewarded 100% matching bonuses for the hard work of your freinds in your 1st Tier and your 2nd Tier. Just look at this Forum and support it. We can do the same thing again for any country at a much faster pace, with money to help. 1-888-845-4791 and 1-866-854-1184 Thank you Marion for all your hard work and congratt's on your new 5 FGG members. You my freind are on your way to a good income for helping others. Have a blessed day. FGG DREAM TEAM TEXAS (CEO)
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