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Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/1/2005 2:35:27 PM
Hello everyone. As I sit here in my sunny office, overlooking the Las Vegas Valley, thoughts of violent crime seem far away, but however nice the day may be, there are always violent criminal types somewhere out there. So, here are some tips to hopefully help you all avoid them.


There can be no more violent crime than Sexual Assault
1, Use initials instead of names on mailboxes & phone listings.
2, Avoid remaining alone in an apartment laundry room or parking garage.
3, Never admit on the telephone or at the door, that you are alone.
4, It is risky to accept a ride home, or anywhere from someone you have just met, male or female.
5, If you decide to physically resist assault, remember your goal is to incapacitate the attacker long enough to run to safety and get help. A quick blast of pepper spray to the eyes, or a jolt from a stun gun, will give you those extra few seconds to help you do this.
6, If you have been the victim of sexual assault, call the police immediately. Do not bathe or change your clothes, not matter how disgusted you feel, or you will destroy evidence. This advice is primarily for females, but males can also be the victims of sexual assault, so be aware at all times.

1, Avoid carrying visible valuables items; Jewelry, expensive watches etc. Don't carry large amounts of money.
2, Always think ahead. For example, when travelling at night, have your keys ready to enter your house or to start your car. Don't hang around searching in your purse, or through your pockets.
3, If confronted by a robber, the best advice is to cooperate.
4, If you resist, there is a greater chance that you may be hurt, especially if the robber is armed.

Bank Machines
1, When using an automatic bank teller,(ATM) always be watchful of any suspicious people around you.
2, The chances of being robbed at night are statistically much greater, especially if you are on your own.
3, If you find someone waiting & watching outside, in the area of an ATM machine, do not use it. Leave the area and report the incident to the police immediately. You could save someone else from being a victim of crime.

Street Safety-Use Common Sense

1, Stay in well-lighted, busy areas. Avoid walking alone and avoid known trouble spots.
2, When you carry a purse, hold it close to your body, rather than by the handles. Do not wrap purse straps around your wrists, because you can be seriously hurt in a struggle.
3, Carry only what you need in a purse or wallet, not everything you have.
4, Avoid using shortcuts through dark alleys, fields or vacant lots. Think safety always.
5, If you think you are being followed, cross the street and change directions a few times. Go quickly to a well-lighted place with lots of people around. Do not go home. You do not want an attacker to know where you live.

A few basic precautions to make your weekend & week a bit more secure. Don't forget, Americans only, I'm afraid, are the only people to be able to buy products from our Security store. We do not like, having to inform citizens of other countries that our security products are not allowed to be sold to, or used in their countries.
Carol Salisbury

227 Posts
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Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/1/2005 2:44:44 PM
Wow, Anthony, this is GREAT info! Even though I've heard these things before, this has been a great reminder. As I read your info, I was reminded of several things that I had forgotten about, like carrying my purse handles wrapped around my wrist! Thank you so much! Have a great day!
Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/1/2005 3:04:44 PM
Hi Anthony, Great forum with very informative information for both men and women. We tend to forget these most basic things. Thanks for the reminder. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/1/2005 4:12:00 PM
Carol. We all know these things, but it's always best to have a reminder every now & then. Like you pointed out, you had forgotten about the purse thing. We are glad that you got some good pointers from our tips. Have a SAFE & great day yourself.
Re: Tips on Avoiding Violent Crime.
10/1/2005 4:14:41 PM
Donna, Our Texas friend. We do tend to forget the basic things. We lead our lives today, at a to greater pace. Think safety always.. Your Friend In Las Vegas.