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Burglar Prevention. More security tips.
9/28/2005 3:46:42 PM
Hello everyone. I have been a bit lax lately with one thing and another & have not posted any tips, here is one to make up for it & hopefully, I can post another before the weeks end. BURGLAR PREVENTION What does a burglar like? Experience has shown us that burglars like many things (mostly other people's things), but most thieves prefer two conditions.

1, An invatation 2, A fast, easy, undetected entry and exit.

Burglary invitations aren't stuffed into envelopes as are birthday invites; nor do we have signs on our doors- "BURGLARS WELCOME"- the way we attach ballons to the mailbox.
However, invitations are sent and signs are posted which are equally effective. Have you observed the pile of newspapers on your neighbour's lawn and how the mail overflows from his mailbox? Other invites you may recognize include.
Unkept yard.
Keys left in your vehicle while you run into the store.
Dark or concealed hiding areas.
Windows left open while you are away.
Notes left on exterior doors explaining where you have gone.
The spare house key on top of the door jamb (Did you think no one knew that key was there?)
Messages on answering machines stating you are away.
A open garge door.
Sliding glass door, without auxiliary locks.
A house unlight night after night.
Privacy fence.
Flimsy door latches and locks.
Basement windows.

After receiving his invitation the burglar also looks for a quick, undetected entry and exit. He will choose the path of least resistance, which affords him the best chance of getting away without being caught. For this reason, most burglar work the night shift hiding under the cover of darkness. This is an opportunity afforded by nature; other access and escape opportunites, which we provide include.

A large shrub in front of a window.
A dark alley behind the residence.
A privacy fence around the yard.
An unlocked door or window.
A sliding glass door.
An exterior door without a deadbolt lock.

I hope these 'Tip's' are of some use or a reminder to you all to be more aware of not leaving opportunities for criminals to 'Help themselves' to your belonging's. For advise on products to make your home more secure, go to.

There you will find a large selection of alarms systems, locks, cameras & other security & personal alarms.
Re: Burglar Prevention. More security tips.
9/28/2005 4:00:29 PM
Hi Anthony, Thanks for the info. I think we all get lax when we haven't had any recent problems. I also wanted to mention that crooks look for signs on individuals too. Especially women... Remember when you are walking alone to always look around. Try to think of the 100 feet on all sides of you as being your personal space and know who is in it. Often this awareness will make a predator turn away. Also, keep your keys in your hand with one sticking out between your middle and index finger on your right hand. One punch can shock and disable and give you the opportunity to get away. I really recommend a self-defense class – the techniques and confidence they give can protect you. Thanks for letting me put my 2 cents in.
Thank You, Gina My Passion My Income Generator
Re: Burglar Prevention. More security tips.
9/28/2005 4:07:28 PM
Hi Gina, Thanks for putting your '2 cents' worth in. Glad you have joined us as well. One other thing women can do of course, (well American women) is visit our safety store & purchase a nice little stun gun, or some pepper spray for their protection when they are out on their own. We also have video's & books on self defence & how to NOT make yourselve a target for criminals.
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Re: Burglar Prevention. More security tips.
9/28/2005 4:27:58 PM
Thanks for the information, Anthony!! Very helpful! With FGG we have a legal plan too in case people aren't aware of it. It always helps to have an attorney! Take care! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Flag of Sarka Ksandrova

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Re: Burglar Prevention. More security tips.
9/28/2005 4:30:02 PM
Thank you my friend for invitation and secutity tips. Have a good day tomorow, Sarka ___________________________________________