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Re: Before you can inspire with emotion.....
9/26/2005 11:13:28 PM
Hello, Hello Kathy! LOL :-) My sweet friend, you too have passion but you need to apply it correctly. Yes, Hitler brainwashed them but he did it with passion. Like I told Paul I Don't idolize Hitler, not one bit. I was using him as an example of what passion can accomplish. And no he doesn't belong in the same category as Tony Robbins other than for the fact that they both have displayed passion. Passion used incorrectly can be destructive. Don't worry Kathy I still love you my sweet friend, no offense taken. Take care! John Forums Gdw Amb Frm
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Before you can inspire with emotion.....
9/26/2005 11:39:28 PM
Thanks John for forgiving me,I have passion about many things and yes like today it got me into alot of trouble all the way around. Bogdan I am also very sorry for disrepecting things,please forgive me,kathy martin
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Re: Before you can inspire with emotion.....
9/27/2005 1:15:11 AM
Hi John, I did'nt think that you Idolize Hitler I just thought that you gave a bad example;)however now I see your point one extrem to the other :) Paul
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Manuel Davis

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Re: Before you can inspire with emotion.....
9/27/2005 3:22:56 AM
Bogdan, Thanks for the quote it was a good one, Mr Churchill was a great orator could almost make you believe he'd walked on water himself... Have a great day, Manuel D.
Manuel Davis

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Re: Before you can inspire with emotion.....
9/27/2005 3:38:58 AM
Kathy, I have to disagree with you on one point about Adolph Hitler, his passion was for the arts, as a young man he wanted to paint, like rembrant, Monet and the rest of them. However he wasn't very good at it and where things went wrong for him is where he laid his hatred. He saw the Jews as the obsticle between him and what he had passion for, Art; thus began the twisted and brutal disfunctional thinking on his part. When he became chanselor of Germany he devised a cruel and devious plan to destroy what he considered his enemy, The Jews and decided that he would use his position in government to do so. There is a great deal more to this twisted individual, but I condensed it a bit because he is not a great topic of conversation. Again, Congratulations on the win :) My buddy... Respectfully, Manuel D.

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