Hello Paul,
Did you stop and think that maybe I was speaking figuratively? Of course the whole nation didn't follow him, the Jewish people were part of that nation and they didn't follow him.
Let me show an example out of the bible of speaking figuratively :
John 12:19
So the Pharisees said to one another, "See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!"
Now do you think that in this example they actually meant the whole world? No, of course not. Have you not ever said something figuratively? For example: I'm dying to know, I would die for that, I would kill for that, etc.
One more thing, I don't Idolize Hitler I was just giving an example of what passion can accomplish whether it be good or bad. Hitler was evil but he had passion and unfortunately he used it for evil.
Gdw Amb Frm