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The only silly question...
10/11/2005 11:31:46 AM
Hi Vonnie; ========== I totally agree being new and not knowing a lot and trying to promote your site is a nightmare.There are that many sites out there promising everything and delivering nothing.I have often wanted to ask a question but then I have thought no they will think me silly for asking that and then you are in the dark and still none the wiser for it.After reading this now I think I will feel confidant enough to ask a question in the future.I think all new ones must feel like this and it us up to one of us to speak up and I hope others will follow ========== Yes, there are lots of places that promise lots and deliver little or nothing. Many of them COUNT on people feeling "dumb" and blaming themselves. Preying on the newbie is a cottage industry in every field, not just internet marketing. I believe there is only ONE silly question - the one you don't ask. No one was born knowing all of this stuff, and we all learn at our own pace, so never feel silly asking something you just haven't learned yet. Once you've asked and learned, you can then help other people that have not yet learned so they don't have to feel silly. That's how people and communities grow and evolve. : ) Linda P.S. I would love to answer your question about how to get the writing in the middle... but I'm not sure where you mean. Can you explain where you mean? Then I'll be happy to show you how.
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: The only silly question...
10/12/2005 11:58:26 AM
Good thread going here. Giving answers to questions people aren't asking happens a lot too. I can give an example or two if you like but if you know something about my passion besides being here, I'll wait for your curiosity.
Re: The only silly question...
10/12/2005 4:48:49 PM
HI Linda Many thanks for your reply the more you read the forums and interact with other members the better you feel. You know you are not on your own and has you said all people have there own pace in which to learn in future I will just post my question and wait for an answer off one of the members. I have worked out my other problem now thankyou.
Re: The only silly question...
10/12/2005 5:40:53 PM
Hi Yvonne the more you read the forums and interact with other members the better you feel. You know you are not on your own and as you said all people have there own pace in which to learn That's it exactly! Glad to see you browsing around and joining in! : ) Linda
Re: The only silly question...
10/12/2005 5:55:19 PM
Hi Rudy; Good thread going here. Thanks.... and welcome, too. Giving answers to questions people aren't asking happens a lot too. I can give an example or two if you like but if you know something about my passion besides being here, I'll wait for your curiosity. I'm not sure how cryptically you mean that, but either way, right you are. It happens in a couple of different ways. Sometimes we give answers to things people aren't ready to hear... and other times we give answers to questions they thought and didn't ask. Once in a while we can actually answer the question that was asked and give an answer that is understood. lol But then, I've always believed that when most of us talk, we say more about ourselves than anyone or anything we talk about. I think it was Mark Twain that said a small man will make you feel smaller, but a truly great man will make you feel that you, too, can be great. That's not verbatim, of course. Your passion... You mean Amsoil? Or filling your time because you're too young to retire? ; ) Linda P.S. You don't look your age at all. Heh...

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