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Re: It's human nature to want to help...
10/2/2005 1:54:06 AM
You're welcome to the soapbox, at over 6'6" I don't need one for people to see me! My only question is, where did I find it (the soapbox that is)? But seriously, 'good' copy only can be a problem if there is nothing behind it. I just wonder why the people who joined couldn't figure it out, the math was pretty simple for me to do.
Re: It's human nature to want to help...
10/2/2005 7:19:48 AM
People get caught up in the emotionnal side (feelings) and the logical side gets suppressed (reasoning).
Winston Scoville

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Re: It's human nature to want to help...
10/2/2005 9:41:26 AM
Isn't that the truth! Successful marketers learn how to master capturing peoples emotional side through their copy. One of the reasons I guess that Copy writers are worth thier weight in gold.
Re: Article: How To Make Profit Through Public Forums
10/2/2005 10:41:10 PM
Hi Linda, Thank you very much for this article! Being very new to the Internet Marketing business, I've been swayed by people who I truly thought knew more than I did...after all, they've been doing this a LOT longer than me! What I've found though, is a lot of people just pushing their sites instead of wanting to get to know me...and I thought that was what was expected, so I even sent out a few like that. But I stopped, simply because it just didn't feel right to me. I try to respond to every invitation to be friends as well, finding out what we may have in common, or just learning our differences. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people will definitely give me that opportunity. I joined AdlandPro because it seemed a good place to learn how to market my own site in an intelligent manner. (I don't expect to become a millionaire overnight.) I HAVE found very intelligent, warm, friendly people here and I am very thankful to have found this site! I tend to read forums more than I post, and maybe that's wrong, however, I feel I'm still in kindergarten. :-) And I do check out the "expert" forums a lot and forums from people I've become friends with that truly have given me pointers, did more than just blast me with their sites. But I do post and I hope I make good contributions for the most part. Now you've got me wondering whether having all those other websites I've joined on my signature is really what I should do. My main goal has, and is, to promote the site I built. I'll have to do some thinking on that one, and keep learning. I apologize for the lengthy response! Thank you again for this article. I'll be watching for more! Lorraine
Oh - don't apologize!
10/3/2005 12:26:00 AM
Hi Lorraine; I apologize for the lengthy response! Thank you again for this article. I'll be watching for more! Oh, don't apologize for that at all! Sharing your thoughts and concerns are the best way to learn! Here's an idea with the websites in your signature file. Try changing your sig file now and then, and see what happens. If you put in *your* site and get clicks - you know that works. If you put in 3 urls and get no resulting clicks, try one. See, a lot of people talk about the science of selling/marketing/advertising. Marketing and advertising are not a science. Selling is about creating desire - and thus, good marketing is an art, not a science. BUT - watching to see what works - that is a science that can be tracked and learned from. Do a little testing of your own as you post and see what gets response. : ) Linda P.S. And keep reading to your heart's content... it's how we all learn.

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