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Bogdan Fiedur

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Fears are educated into us ...
9/19/2005 9:25:57 AM
"Fears are educated into us and can, if we wish, be educated out." – Karl Menninger – Psychiatrist
Re: Fears are educated into us ...
9/19/2005 9:48:08 AM
Thank you Bogdan, this is not only a touching story - and I can 're-feel' a lot of it as gone through some stages with my Polish husband as well :)... but the eBook is a wonderful GIFT that will sure accompany me from now on. God Bless Bianca
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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Fears are educated into us ...
9/19/2005 10:21:52 AM
Absoulutly true, It is in the choices you make. Your life is yours, mold it into what you want it too be. Thanks for the Forum. Your Friend,
Paul Davey

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Re: Fears are educated into us ...
9/19/2005 10:54:27 AM
Very true, however remember that knowledge cannot be forgotten? Paul
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Drbob Siegman

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Re: Fears are educated into us ...
9/19/2005 11:24:38 AM
Hi Bogdan, It all comes down to what we wish to believe in. Fear in itself is simply a believed perception of outcome, usually connected to pain, uncomfortability or unpredicability. If you change your belief of the perceived outcome to a positive and constructive position, you remove the fear. Example: If I believe that drinking milk will cause me pain, then I will fear drinking milk, even to the point that drinking it could make me ill, it very possible can. Now if I program my mind to believe that drinking Milk will give me Super Human Powers and I believe it will do so without causing the least uncomfortability, then I will have no fear of drinking milk. As I said, Fear in itself has little to do with actual truth, for Fear is simply an emotion connected to what we believe in. Even with the so called, "Fear of the Unknown." What we really fear, is not necessarily the Unknown, but our preception of the great possiblities of an undesired outcome that is Non-beneficial, harmful or painful.

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