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Re: Made My First Million Before 30...NOT!
9/28/2005 8:43:55 AM
Cheri: You have hit the nail on the head with this one. What a powerful theme you have discovered in Never2Late4Success. It says so much in just a few words and it echoes the hope of so many people. I wish you much success which I am sure will come in due course. Looking forward to see you develop those themes. Wayne Ellis
Re: Made My First Million Before 30...NOT!
9/28/2005 1:42:48 PM
Hi Cheri, I with you woman. For me this is the best time of my life. I am 38, my daughter recently got married and I found my love after being single for 17 years. The world has opened up to me like never before and I'm very excited about exploring it.
Thank You, Gina My Passion My Income Generator
Re: Made My First Million Before 30...NOT!
11/19/2005 4:00:33 PM
Cheri, Success is everywhere.Success is measured by the worlds standards.What is success to you may be different to me.Success to me is 20 years of Marriage, Raising 2 children. We would all like to be rich,big house, nice cars,etc. Success is sharing what I have already with someone who has nothing. Once we found a program we like stay with it, work it hard.Look to the people who have what you want and follow the leader. Success is the progressive realization of a worth while DREAM. Success starts with your dream.Thoughts become actions.Actions become habits.Habits become lifestyle. Hope this helps Your friend Michael
Michael J. Lipsey
Cheri Merz

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Re: Made My First Million Before 30...NOT!
11/22/2005 8:53:50 PM
Michael, Belated welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, you have mentioned several of the questions we explored at length in another thread, titled "Spirituality and Success". At my website, I posted an article about my grandfather whose life epitomizes success to me, though he never was rich, never owned a big house or nice cars, etc. ============================================ Success is the progressive realization of a worth while DREAM. ============================================ What a beautiful and succinct description! I would like to add it to my collection of quotes, for it perfectly expresses my thoughts, too. You are so right about what constitutes success for different people, for we all have different dreams. Again, welcome. It was nice to return from a short trip to discover that people are still visiting an old thread now and again. Cheri
Re: Made My First Million Before 30...NOT!
12/6/2005 1:26:59 PM
Cheri, Loved your post, it really hit home, did we have the same parents, you missed one, "college? we can't afford that!!". But your post made me chuckle and well up a little. I would like to pass on little story I heard a long time ago and has really affected my life: A young man heard of a very wise that lived in his village and the young man sought the wise old man out and asked him, what do I need to do to be successful? The older wise man motioned the young man to follow him, he led the young man down to the river, the older man waded in the water to just above his waist and motioned for the young man to join him. The young man waded into the water and facd the wise older man, at that point the older man pushed the younger man's head under the water and held the young mans head under while the younger man struggled, finally the old wise man released the young man and he came out of the gasping for air and regaining his breath. The young man asked what were you trying to do drown me? The older man smiled and asked the young man, while his head was under water what did he desire at that very moment. The young looking puzzled and he said of course I wanted to breath, I wanted air. And the older man said when you desire success and wealth as much as you wanted that breath of air, you will have it. Thank You, Darwin