
Who is Michael Lipsey?

Michael Lipsey

Michael Lipsey
BirthdaySunday, September 6, 1959
Member SinceMonday, May 9, 2005
Last ActivitySaturday, July 22, 2017
LocationStockbridge, Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I enjoy all types of books on tape.I love to meet new people. I have never met a stranger, just new friends.

I love to cook,garden and walking.Spending time alone with God  everyday is very important.

Being a servant.Marketing is my number one goal and business set up.

Taking time to read everyday.

My Interests
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Diane Bjorling - (2/6/2014 10:14:13 PM) : welcome back to Adlandpro and the blogging communty.
Ralph White - (1/4/2010 9:59:59 AM) : Hello Fellow Adland Member. I hope that all isgoing well with. Please allow me to introduceyou to a "Free Offer" from my friend and mentorwho is also a real Internet Millionaire. Paul isoffering free memberships in his organizationwhere he shows people how to make $500 to$5,000 a month from home. Sign up now!!
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (10/12/2009 12:28:24 PM) : Hello Michael, I visited your forum via Leonie's profile ( ) and found "Funny for the Day" ~ it is inactive :(
Kathy Hamilton - (6/29/2008 9:19:16 AM) : Hello My sweet friend,
I was just making rounds and noticed I never rated you, But theres only a 10 and you derserve so much more, you are such a sweet part of my life, you always call me just when I need that uplift. Thank you for always being there.Blessings always to you

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy
Yvonne Best - (11/16/2005 10:26:57 PM) : This site is very professional, easy to read and understand, sign up with ease as well. Way to go Michael.
Monika Woods - (10/5/2005 8:41:17 PM) : Your encouraging words are always a blessing.

Janise Collins - (9/10/2005 8:18:24 PM) : AT this time when so many have suffered great tradegy and loss due to Hurricane Katrina - God is the only solution and source. Houses and businesses can be rebuilt but the emotional scars can only be healed by God almighty.
Michael Lipsey - (9/10/2005 8:18:24 PM) : Jansice, Thank you for your rating. You are right about the suffering. Our granny was from Mississippi and she is noe staying with us.
Lee Talmadge - (9/7/2005 1:47:41 PM) : Hi Michael L,
I'm honored to have you as part of adland family ,I apologize for taken so long to get here.I wish you success in all you do
:-) Lee
Michael Lipsey - (9/7/2005 1:47:41 PM) : Lee, Thank you for taking time to visit my site. Thank you for the great rating.
Your Adland friend


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