Hi Robert.
I have just been to your link and had a quick look at your new site. Firstly good luck. You are certainly heading in the right direction. By asking for feedback/help regarding your site, you are one step ahead of those that don't.
I note from your site, you are promoting with mainly the use of text and not images etc.
Spelling and grammer are going to be key in this department. Sometimes the slightest grammer or spelling mistake can make all the difference here.
I found whilst reading through the content of your site that I had to double check what I was reading. This is mainly in the top half of the content.
I don't know if this will help but.....................I copied and pasted the text from your page into 'microsoft word'.
From word, the grammer & spelling etc is easily corrected and to a degree hi-lighted for you. Be somewhat careful though, as for some reason and I don't know why, America seems to have developed it's own way of spelling words over the years. Yes it's still English but (sorry all Americans) sometimes the spelling is not correct.
'Sherrie's' offer to proof read for you is a cool one, and something that is always important. Sometimes we can't see the 'wood for the trees' so to speak, so having someone go over your work and then tell you ther is two-hundred mistakes, might be hard, but it's the wise thing to do!!!
The use of the correct placement of commers, fullstops etc, on your site are going to be vital.
I hope that this is of some help.
Best wishes