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Quiet Spirituality & How Silence Soothes The Harried Soul
9/9/2005 5:51:50 AM
Hello To All My AdlandPro Family & Friends, Here is a wonderful article about silence and spirituality! -------------------------------------------- Maybe because I can talk up a storm, I love, even crave, silence. I feel safe in it. I know I won't blurt out something foolish or harmful, something I'll be sorry for. That's probably why if you ask spiritual teachers for advice on how to practice wise speech, they're likely to answer with one word: silence. Like the rain necessary for flowers to bloom, silence is essential for speaking with clarity. A Hindu adage, echoed in other cultures, reflects this relationship: If what you have to say is truthful, kind, and useful, then say it; if not, silence is best. My earliest lesson in the value of silence and the painful consequences of unkind words occurred when I was in elementary school. I don't recall what my mother did or didn't do one morning, but whatever it was upset me enough that I hurled enormous anger at her: "I hate you. I wish you were dead." As an adult, I learned it was not uncommon for children to express such heinous thoughts, but at the time I suffered dearly for not holding them back. My father gave me such a whopping and I cried so hard that I couldn't go to class that day. It is in the womb of silence that we can grow ideas for the best course of action to take. Sages highlight the value of silence for more constructive reasons. They say it helps us use our personal resources judiciously. Talking expends energy and takes up time. I make a point of staying in close touch with friends, but I also know that hours can fly by in long talks on the phone. And although I love to go hiking with a friend and catch up on our lives, I notice a difference when I walk quietly with my dog. I feel refreshed from the exercise, and my energy is focused for the work I need to do. Silence also helps me express what is important rather than any old thought that flits through my mind. Sometimes, in the middle of a disagreement with my husband or to avoid one, I’ll call time out. If I don't pause long enough for a walk or a sitting meditation to reflect on what's really going on, I’m likely to keep blundering with hurtful speech. In silence I have a chance to cool down, assess the situation, examine my own motivations, and consider what words will help heal the rift between us. People who want to hear the language of the soul and the words of God know that they can't have their ears filled with the loud noises of the world, including our own internal chatter. They must listen for that still, small voice. The Quakers, or Society of Friends, conduct their worship meetings in silence. In one account of their sessions, Robert Barclay, an early defender of Quakerism, reports on how much more powerful this is than any argument to dissuade a person from the error of his ways. He noticed that when someone enters a meeting with the intention to do mischief, his "darkness" is overcome by "the secret strength and virtue" of silence. As a result, Friends have come to consider silence as the key mark of spiritual life and the singular method for communing with God. The Hebrew Bible tells us that silence can also be a means for distinguishing authentic seers from charlatans. The prophets divide the "straw" among themselves from the "wheat" through the criterion of silence. False prophets are loquacious while true ones consider prophecy a divine gift not to be used indiscriminately. When the people sought Jeremiah's advice following the murder of Gedaliah, the prophet didn't respond immediately. Instead, he remained silent for 10 days before conveying God's message. If what you have to say is truthful, kind, and useful, then say it; if not, silence is best. I find silence healing, not only on a spiritual level, but also physically and mentally. Some people love to go to spas to relax and get pampered with all kinds of water and massage treatments. I love to go on retreats and pamper myself with silence. No voice mail, no e-mail, no conversation, no radio, no video. The silence refreshes me like a cool shower on a sultry summer day. In the restfulness of it, I collect and unify the scattered pieces of myself. As a tonic, silence clears away the exhaustion accumulated from the nonstop noise of modern urban living and restores my energy. But what's a tonic for me is not necessarily good medicine for someone else. Teachers acknowledge that silence may not be the best spiritual practice for individuals who are inclined toward melancholy or depression. They may need to open up and express themselves. Also, it is important not to maintain silence in the face of injustice. In "Ethics for the New Millennium," the Dalai Lama says that if we keep silent out of a sense of self-centeredness, then it's a problem. We have a universal responsibility to break out of such silence and be of service to others. But, first, a cautionary note: It is in the womb of silence that we can grow ideas for the best course of action to take and to ensure that such action is rooted in compassion and wisdom. If we are going to speak out, our task is first to align ourselves with what the world needs, not what our ego desires, or we risk creating more harm through unconscious speech. One way to begin enjoying the delicious fruit of silence is to practice it briefly. Before we pick up our utensils to eat a meal or lift a mug to drink coffee or tea, we can pause in stillness for a minute. We can remain quiet just before we make a phone call. And, instead of immediately going on and on about what's happening in our life, we can give space to the other person, listening patiently to what they have to say. In time, as we learn to still our mouth, we notice that we are also learning to still our unruly thoughts and passions. We learn, as a Jewish sage once put it, that "the fence of wisdom is silence." -------------------------------------------- Silence is Golden! Silence is so soothing to the soul and mind. It is nice to just sit in silence and meditate, or relax one's mind from all the craziness of the day! -------------------------------------------- God Bless All of You! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Quiet Spirituality & How Silence Soothes The Harried Soul
9/9/2005 6:18:31 AM
Silence...does that not include communicating via the written word too?? I to love silence!
My Hand To Your Success, Larry Fleckinger What could close anyone in 45 seconds, 100% of the time? The Fountain of Youth & Health!
Re: Quiet Spirituality & How Silence Soothes The Harried Soul
9/9/2005 6:57:11 AM
Hello Marilyn! Thanks that was awesome! I once heard a song on Christian radio that really touched me but I haven't heard it since, it had a line in that went like this, "My soul waits in silence for thee...". I wish I new the name of the song so I could buy it. It's a very spiritual song. Maybe someone in your forum will know what song I'm talking about. Take care! JOHN
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Re: Quiet Spirituality & How Silence Soothes The Harried Soul
9/9/2005 8:37:30 AM
Hi Marilyn, Suberb posting, article and forum! And on that note, "I will be Silent" (o; Today, I Will Be More Than I Was Yesterday, But Not As Much As I Will be Tomorrow! ~ Dr Bob 2005
Re: Quiet Spirituality & How Silence Soothes The Harried Soul
9/9/2005 11:04:44 AM
That was quite the mouthful and well put. I spend a lot of time in total silence and grave it everyday. (for meditation) My wife can't figure out why but I have to have it or I go crazy. Thanks for the invite. Randy
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).

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